I had boarded the plane safely, with no issues, my eyes were puffy and red from all the crying I did.
I honestly I thought I wouldn't cry when they left, but as soon as they did, I started bawling. Everyone was staring at me, but I couldn't care. I would miss them so much.
I looked at my ticket and looked for my seat, I find my seat and see that I'm seated next to a guy, he looked young and was most likely a beta.
I pack my suitcase in the locker. I had to move past the guy to get to my seat.
"Excuse me," I say nervously while moving past him, to get to my window seat.
"Oh, no, it's okay," he says while moving back.
"Your eyes are red, you okay?"
"Oh yeah, just leaving some friends behind isn't as easy as i thought it would be." I rub my eyes, a bit embarrassed.
"Oh yeah, of course, just remember to text them a lot and send pictures, it's easy for people to lose relationships that way." He smiled at me, which was nice
"Yeah, of course."
"So you seeing family or?"
The guy was trying to make small talk, which I didn't mind since it was only a 4 hour flight.
"Oh, I'm going to my new school, I'm really excited," I say sheepishly. It was awkward for me to make small talk.
"Oh really, I'm assuming it's angel day school? That's a really prestigious school, I wish you good luck!"
"Thank you." I smile awkwardly, then pop on my headphones and listen to music for about most of the flight, except for when I talked to him.
We arrived in what felt like an hour, but it was four hours, probably cause I listened to music most of the flight.
As I left the plane, I felt someone tap my shoulder. It was the beta I sat next to on the flight.
"Hi, I don't mean to be weird or anything, but I think you're cute. Is it alright if I get your phone number?"
I felt my cheeks get warm, and they probably got red cause I saw him chuckle. I decided to say yes because what harm would it do, I did want to focus on my studies, though.
I gave him my phone number then waved him, goodbye. I would be lying if I said he didn't look attractive. He was about 5'10 "and had black hair and a cute smile.
I couldn't say he was my type since I didn't know what my type was.
I looked around the airport, it was definitely bigger than my towns airport and had more stores. It almost looked like a mall, like a really white and expensive mall.
I called for a taxi, and asked him to take me to the school. He tried to make small talk to me, but it was just awkward, as I kept catching him staring at my thighs, which made me uncomfortable, especially since he looked about fifty years old.
The drive was long, making it more excruciating, but I made it through, once we arrived I looked at the big school infront of me, I had obviously know it was going to big, but I didn't expect this size.
I paid the taxi driver and walked to the open gates, I didn't see as many people, which made sense, since it was night
Luckily at the entrance there was a map of the school, it was as expected, huge but I figured out where I needed to go, the headmasters office. I make my way, seeing a few students and staff.
I eventually make my way to the headmasters office and gently knock on the door three times, It was awkward cause I didn't hear anyone for like a good minute.
I contemplated if I should knock again, but I didn't wanna seem annoying. Maybe she wasn't in there. It was late after all. My thoughts are interrupted by the door swinging open.
I see an middle aged lady with beautiful curly hair, who was rather short open the door. "Sweetie, I was expecting you, come in, don't be shy, I don't bite." She gives a little giggle, then walks to her chair.
I awkwardly walk over to her front desk, I sit down on a chair. I don't know why I was being so awkward, I guess I was surprised, I definitely thought that the headmaster would be some old balding cranky guy.
"So, I've looked at your reports, and I see that you're a hard-working boy." she puts on her glasses and then looks at me.
"Yes, I work hard to make sure that my future is as bright as possible."
"Yes!" Her loud voice startles me a bit.
"That's what we look for. That behaviour is what our students need!" Her eyes almost glistening.
I awkwardly chuckled at her. Her personality was definitely something.
"You know I have grandson, who's also an omega." She pulls one of her drawers open and shows me a picture of a young boy, who had brown hair and green eyes.
"Oh, I would've never guessed you had a grandson. You look so young!" I genuinely meant that, at most, she looked like she had teen children.
"Oh yes I take pride, in my looks, so I do mean to tell you, that's it's not going to be easy for you, please if you need anything, don't hesitate to come to me, okay darling?"
I nod, I did know it wasn't going to be super great for me, being that I'm a male omega.
"May you require a break from your classes, because of your heat, you can simply email, or talk to a nurse and ask for a slip, which you can email it to your teacher, letting them know you won't be making It to class for a certain amount of days."
"Okay, thank you,"
She smiles at me cheerfully, almost too cheerfully...
"Alright, enough chit chat, he's your handbook, which tells you pretty much everything, and includes a map, here are you keys, to your dorm, which luckily for you, you have to yourself, well for now at least."
She hands me everything, and I leave her office, heading to the dorms. To get there, I had to go to the main hall, which sectioned off into three parts.
The omega dorms, which were on the right of the entrance. The beta and alpha and beta dorms were north of the entrance, and then the cafeteria was left of the entrance.
I headed right to the omega dorms. They were long rows of dorms, I looked for my number, but it wasn't too hard as I found out the floor plan.
I finally found mine and unlocked it, and entered, I looked around, it was big, it was like it's own apartment, I had expectations for this school, but damn, this school is rich.
When you first enter, there's a kitchen to the left and a living room to the right. Once you go down, there are three doors.
The one on the left led to a room, the same as the one that's north, and the one on the right was a nice bathroom that had a washing machine, as so as a dryer.
I had to choose what room I wanted, so I chose the one on the right cause, it seemed to fit my aesthetic more, I put everything down. I know I had things to unpack, but It was late at night, so I just decided to sleep.
The first part is at the new school. Do you guys think he's gonna like it??

An Angel Love
Romancewhen Milo is given a scholarship to one of the most prestigious schools in the world, he didn't think he would meet his mate. Milo grew up in a dysfunctional home with his father not being present for half his life. When he was given a chance to lea...