Part 6 I Hate Alphas

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I had finally finished unpacking everything, I noticed that my dorm looked bland, and I noted to myself that I should go shopping later for room decor.

I grabbed my phone off my charger, I remembered that I was texting the plane guy before my phone turned off, I must've looked like I turned him down.

I open our dms and start texting him.

Milo: omg, I'm so sorry my phone was low battery, I have time next week, if that's okay with you?.

I sent my text and waited for him to respond for a bit. He didn't respond, but it was expected, I'm sure he will text me later anyway.

I walked over to the fridge to see if there was any food or snacks I could have, I was met with disappointment as there were only two bottles of water.

I grabbed one and sat on my couch. While drinking it, I checked my heat tracker. Shit

My heat was in two weeks, meaning I only had one week of school before I had to take another break.

My heats usually last four to five days, but I usually took the whole week off anyway. That also meant I had to get groceries.

I was always hungry and thirsty during my heats. I sigh loudly, speaking of being hungry. I am a bit hungry right now.

I got up and got ready to go to the cafeteria, again, it seemed I would be going to the cafeteria a lot, just until I got groceries at least.

I walk out my dorm room and start to walk towards the main hall. As I'm walking, I see something strange. It was a beta

It wasn't too odd I suppose, but he was pacing in front of what seemed like a closet. He looked nervous and was sweating.

I just minded my business and walked past and made it to the cafeteria.

I got more water, and fish and chips, I got it in a large serving, which meant I had to have a bag.

There weren't too many people in the cafeteria, which made sense. It was getting late and people had school tomorrow.

I walked back toward my dorm, passing the main hall. And seeing a few people.

I was about to walk past the closet from earlier. I saw it was open and it peeked my curiosity and decided to peek in a bit, there were two people in it, the beta from before and a taller guy, who's face I couldn't see, since his back was facing me.

The taller guy had his hand around the betas neck, though I couldn't hear what they were saying, it looked like the taller guy was threatening him.

The beta suddenly looked at me, which probably caught the attention of the taller guy cause he quickly looked around to see me.

I quickly sprint off, praying that he didn't see me, whatever business they had going on, I didn't want to be involved in it, not one bit (says the one who was watching them for a good minute.)

I quickly walked over to my dorm door, but just when I was about to enter. My wrist was grabbed by someone.

I came face to face with the guy from before, I could see his face clearly now. He was hot, like really hot...

But that doesn't give him the right to grab me like that. His grip was strong, and I couldn't get my hands free.

"What do you want!" I shouted, but it didn't phase him. He didn't even bother to say anything. He just kept staring at me. Slowly, his grip got tighter and tighter. And actually started to hurt me.

I kept shouting, "What do you want?" but he just kept silent, I started to use my other hand to try and get my other hamd free. What the hell. His grip was scary.

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