part 11-just an omega

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I woke up to my phone alarm ringing in my pockets.

I groaned while pulling out my phone and stopping my alarm.

Today was my first day of school classes, I wasn't nervous, but I wasn't excited either.

I laid on my bed for another three minutes thinking about last night events, mainly Aidens kiss. I touched my lips while blushing.

It made no sense why'd he do that? He must like me then.

I sighed and got up and checked my phone, I saw that Aiden had texted me last night, i quickly opened his contact name and saw what he sent

Hey, sorry for kissing you suddenly
Should've asked if you were okay with it.

No it's okay, it just took me by surprise.
Good job on your game, though.

I put my phone down and decided to get ready for my classes, I walked out of my bedroom, and went to the bathroom to shower and brush my teeth.

Once I finished, I went back to my room and got my uniform out the bag, I should've put it away but I was to tired earlier.

I put on my uniform, it didn't look bad, the colour was a bit tacky but it fit me nice.

I decided I wouldn't have breakfast, I wasn't too hungry, plus I could just get food later at first break (recess).

I picked up my phone and texted Anelia to tell her she left her clothes here, she must've forgotten.

I sat on my couch and watched TV until it was time to head to class.

I left my dorm, and I started to get nervous now, I didn't really know anyone in this school, but it didn't matter, I'm only here to learn anyways.

I put my phone on do not disturb and headed to my first class. It was in building A, same as with most of my classes, which was good since building A wasn't too far.

I made it to my first class, and walked in, there was only a few people in the class room, I skimmed my eyes over the classroom, to see if I recognised anyone in the classroom, sadly I recognised the delusional girl, who I had just shouted at last night.

I grimaced and walked over to a seat that was far away from her, I set up my book and pencils, I had lost a week of school so I was going to be a bit behind on work.

I got through the first lesson by writing down material, I had missed alot, and it didn't help that some insecure girl kept glaring at me. And snickering and bickering at me with her friends.

I ignored it, and soon as the bell rang I left the classroom swiftly, I checked my time table and I had an art class, which was relieving, since art classes were normally the best.

I walked over to my second class, and walked in, I saw a familiar face and recognised it was Anelia, I excitedly walked over to her, and scared her.

"BOO!" I said while grabbing her shoulder and seating myself next to her, she looked at me with a shocked expression for a good minute before she came in and hugged me.

"Eeeee! Your in my class, thank God, I thought I was going to ge lonely" She said squeezing me even tighter.

"Your so lucky to have me" I said mockingly, I pulled out my art book, the class hadn't started yet so it hought I could quickly copy all of Anelia's notes.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2024 ⏰

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