TW- contains sensitive content
For the longest i can remember, i was never loved. Sure, i had friends that i considered close, but i was always the second choice.
I never had someone i could connect to. Maybe it was the fact that i was ugly growing up or didn't do "manly things." Maybe i was odd because because i was smaller than all the other kids. I guess it was a known fact that i was going to be an omega.
I didn't have much memory of my dad when i was a child. He was always in and out of my childhood. My mother had always told me that he was just a busy man.
Though even when my father was present, he treated me well, he had always brought me gifts when he came back, and that made me love him.
I looked up to him all the time. When i went to school, i would always tell stories to my friends about how my dad was awesome and that i was going to be like him when i grew up.
That happiness didn't last for long. As i grew up, i started to show more signs of being an omega. I would always wake up to his parents arguing about me going to be an omega.
For me, i didn't get it. I didn't understand all these words about me.
It started when my dad would start caring about me less and less every day, like little things, like kissing me before he went to school or tucking me to bed every night .he stopped doing all those things
It was those little things, but i would still notice. It wasn't until 4th grade when i was taught about it, what an alpha and an omega were.
I wanted to be an alpha so bad. everyone in my class wanted to be.
"My dad says that I'm going to be an alpha,"
It was only until one classmate said that when i realised that my dad had said that, i was going to be an omega.
I didn't want to believe at first, but it was the facts that i showed signs of being an omega, like developing slower than everybody else and being smaller.
It wasn't until 6th grade when my friend presented, he was the first to present in his class. He presented as an alpha. No one was surprised he showed characteristics of being an alpha. Everybody was so jealous, including me.
Everyone kept asking questions like
"How did you know?"
"How did it feel?"
"Did you get suppressants?"He answered all the questions with a smugg look on his face. He was obviously proud that he was an alpha
That day when I got home, I told myself that I was going to be an alpha, that i was going to make myself an alpha no matter what.
During dinner, I asked my mom
"Mom, when am I going to present?"
I was so confident in myself that I was going to be an alpha, and I was getting impatient for my presentation.My mom looked at me awkwardly and then glanced over to my dad.
"Hopefully never," my dad said while giving me a look of disappointment.My mom sighs and then looks at me.
"Darling, we don't know, but it'll probably happen in the next 4 years or so,"I dropped my head low, looking at my food picking at it, I was so bothered by the way my dad had looked at me and said those words that I didn't care about what she said.
We all continued dinner in silence that day.
I don't remember much up until the day I presented, I was 13. I was doing an art assignment from school, which was ironic because it was about opening up about yourself. I remember i was getting up for water, then my head felt heavy, then I couldn't see much.
I collapsed to the ground, I didn't know what was happening as I'd didn't know presenting would be like this.
The room felt hot and heavy, and it was hard to breathe, I started panicking and started screaming. Mom was the first to find me. She saw me lying on the ground and must've known. She went out the door and came back with water and a pill.
She forced me to eat it then and helped me to bed. I closed my eyes that day, not knowing my life would never be the same.
When I woke up, it was about midnight. I heard shouting from downstairs, I walked slowly down the stairs to the living room where I saw my mom and dad fighting about something
My dad kept shouting to my mom how about he knew this was going to happen and he's not going to be a father to me anymore. They kept arguing before my dad stormed past me.
My mom looked at me with tears in her eyes.
"Sweetie, you should be in bed right now."
She dragged me to my bed and tucked me in.I knew she was trying to keep herself from crying in front of me, thats when I saw my dad walk past my door with a suitcase in his hand, then I heard a loud bang from a door.
And that was the last time both me and mom saw dad.
mom was beyond devasted. She locked herself up in her room and started neglecting her needs.
I blamed myself for everything and cursed myself for being an omega, I had been so sure that I was going to be an alpha. I kept myself awake at night with, "What ifs" and "Maybe I could've"
I still kept my head strong for my mother. She was now a single mother and had to take care of me on her own, I helped her get up sometimes, but she was still depressed.
Slowly, her sadness turned into anger, then into resentment, resentment toward me, how I made dad leave, how I made her picture-perfect family fall apart, she hated me.
She hated me for everything. She had tried to stop feeding me, and she even tried to get rid of me.
"You know Milo, you ruined my life, you ruined everything for me, I knew that day I should've gotten rid of you.
.. if you don't grow up and make something out of yourself, I'm going to kill you myself. "
Her sour words kept me awake at night.Even though she hated me, I hated myself more for being an omega for being weak.
I got bullied at school continuously for being an omega, and I had no one to turn to. And my self, my sadness turned into anger too
Me and mom would have agruements every week, even about stupid stuff. My mom slowly became narcissistic, and I slowly stopped caring.
Caring about everything and anything, I indulged my self fully into school work, I made myself proud in my own work, I slowly accepted the fact that I was an omega and that nothing wasn't going to change, unless I did myself.
The end of part 1.
That brings the back story to an end. I hope you guys enjoyed it. Please leave comments. Sorry, it was so sad, but I had to give the character a plot, okay!!

An Angel Love
Romancewhen Milo is given a scholarship to one of the most prestigious schools in the world, he didn't think he would meet his mate. Milo grew up in a dysfunctional home with his father not being present for half his life. When he was given a chance to lea...