Part 5 A New Life

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I woke up feeling refreshed. It was my first night at this school, and It made me happy, like I have a whole new fresh start at this school.

I got up and had a cold shower, which boosted my mood.

I checked my phone and saw messages from Ashley.

Ashley: Hey, how was your flight? I already miss you 😔

Milo: The flight was good!! And I ofc miss u 2, look at my dorm, it looks so good [photo]

Ashley: Aww, I'm so jealous. Have fun 💋

I laugh at Ashley's cute message. Just as I'm about to put my phone down, I get a message from the plane guy ( I literally saved his number as plane guy).

Plane guy: hi, hru?

Milo: heyy, I'm fine, wbu?

Plane guy: I'm also fine, how's the school, I heard it was fancy

Milo: Yeah, it is. My dorm is like a whole apartment.

Plane guy: That's cool. I'm just wondering if you want to hang out later, I understand you're busy now, but just like, let me know when you're not.

I was about to respond when my phone suddenly turned off. It was low battery, I had forgotten to put it on charge.

I grab my charger from the suitcase and put it on charge. Before I could unpack, I needed food, I only had one meal yesterday and was hungry.

I had to go to the cafeteria to get food, there were stores but they were further away and I didn't want to bother.

I change into a shirt and a short, I'm a simple person with simple taste.

I leave my dorm with my key and wallet, and I see a few omegas. Of course, they were all females, which made me feel like the odd one out. I get a few snares and smiles, but I didn't let it affect me

I made it to the main hall, and I saw more betas. Some looked like alphas, but I couldn't tell.

It reminded me that I needed to take a suppressant. Luckily, I kept some in my wallet. I downed one and walked into the cafeteria. It was huge, of course, but I couldn't help but be nervous.

I noticed that everyone seemed to sit in groups, like the omegas were all sitting on the left side of the cafeteria and the betas were at the back, and then the alphas were at right side, where the entrance happened to be.

I got some looks from the alpha's, which made me gulp, but I quickly ignored them and went to the front where the food was.

The lunch lady was nice and had a great smile. There were lots of options to choose from, but I got a burtito, water, and a bag of doritos.

I was halfway to the exit when I was, stopped by a girl. She had had bright makeup, and her hair was in cute pigtails.

"Hi, my name is Anelia, and yours?"

I kinda just stood there dumbfounded for a second, I mean, i didn't think i would have someone introduce themselves like this on my first day.

I quickly got my act together and introduced myself.

"Sorry, my name is Milo. Nice to meet you,"

She did a cute giggle that made me blush a bit.

"It's okay, it's also nice to meet you. You know there's an Australian treat named Milo. Don't you think that's cute?"

"Yeah, so cute." I awkwardly chuckled, I already knew that, but I didn't want to be a mood killer.

"Are you new to school?"

"Yeah, I am."

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