2|beauty in the capitol

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MAGS TOLD THE TWO TRIBUTES EVERYTHING ABOUT HER OWN GAMES AND WHAT THEY SHOULD DO TO SURVIVE. She told them about how skilled she is at creating fishhooks, and expressed the idea that they should both find something they can offer as a strong talent.

She told them that their fighting skills are the only important thing that lead to their victory. You need to have natural skills, and that means being able to survive in nature using makeshift resources.

"Is there any weapon either of you know how to use?" Mags asked.

The train was beginning to near the Capitol.

"A trident," Pearl answered immediately.

Hunter looked at her surprised as he leaned back in his chair. His expression showed that he significantly doubted her ability to use a trident, when in reality Pearl has used one her whole life.

"You? Using a trident?"

Pearl glared at Hunter before giving Mags a smile. "I've used one since I was little, my father taught me at a young age."

Mags seemed to be taking notes. She finished writing and then rested the notepad on the mahogany table.

"That could come in handy, Pearl. Try and get your hands on a trident in the arena if you can," Mags advised.

"I can work with lots of different types of knives, spears, and daggers." Hunter put his face close to Pearl's as if he was testing her. "Don't you think that would be more useful, Pearl?"

Pearl couldn't stand Hunter. If she had to kill someone in the arena, it would be him. Mags seemed to want to prevent everyone from fighting, despite the situation they were being thrown into.

"Both of you, stop."

Hunter leaned back in his chair again and Pearl lazily looked at her mentor.

"There's one more thing; you need to get the people of the Capitol to like you. Both of you are talented and attractive, so unfortunately the Capitol citizens will like that. If you can earn their favor, they may sponsor you and send you 'gifts' in the arena. Pearl, I know you despise Snow, but if you can give them a show you may be able to survive easier," Mags explained.

Hunter, again, was way too confident. "I'm a Career. They'll be all over me, sweetheart."

Mags began to pack up her things. "Whatever you say."

The train suddenly came to a stop, and Pearl jumped when she heard the volume of the crowd outside. Capitol people flooded the outside of the train with their obnoxious fashion and use of bright colors.

"Get them to like me," Pearl mumbled to herself.

The tributes of District 4 had no idea what was waiting for them.

Pearl saw them all ecstatically staring at her, and she figured that a wave couldn't hurt. She hated these people, but she had to gain their favor.

Pearl waved and the crowd went crazy. She suddenly felt a taller body shove against hers.

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