8|a lone victor

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PEARL'S EYES FLASHED OPEN TO YELLING. Opal was shaking her awake. She looked around at the cave she was in. They ran in here after it began to snow, and she must have fallen asleep.

"Opal? What's wrong?"

Pearl knew that there were only five other tributes left, and then there was herself and Opal. Did someone else die?

"We need to get out of here somehow." Opal spoke very fast with an unusual shaky voice.

Pearl was about to ask what was wrong again, but then she saw the entrance of the cave. You couldn't even see the outside anymore. A thick wall of white covered any exit.

They were trapped.

"If we're stuck in here, no one can get to us. If we can outlive them, we won't starve," Pearl pointed out.

Opal sighed, her breath still shaky. She pointed upwards. There was a chipping and banging sound. It sounded like a pickaxe was hitting the rock above them, and it must be. She heard voices.

"The Careers are trying to break in."

Pearl's mind immediately went to Apollo. There was still a part of her that wanted to be allies with him again. There was just something about his warm appearance and charm.

"We know you're down there!" Dane shouted.

Pearl moved toward the wall of snow and poked it with her finger. It was soft, which meant it would be easy to break through. Pearl took a couple of steps back and prepared her trident.
She ran at full speeds towards the wall, throwing her trident into the wall of snow. A chunk of it flew into the air, and they could see outside again.

Pearl continued this process until there was a clear exit for her and Opal. When they stepped outside, it didn't even look like they were in the same arena as before.

Everything was under a blanket of snow and there was a winter storm in rule. Snow blew everywhere, and the wind almost knocked Pearl off her feet.

Even with the raging winds, a small silver capsule began to drift down. There was a familiar chime, and Pearl knew that it was a sponsor package. She had received one from Snow, and since then she received two others from real sponsors supplying her with resources and food.

She wondered if this was from them or Snow. Who would want to send one to her when they knew it could be destroyed by the strong winds and ice?

"What's that?" Opal asked, Pearl now knowing that she must have never had a sponsor.

"A sponsor gift."

She nodded, looking a bit sad. The package landed, and Pearl quickly picked it up. She opened it, and found a heavy combat suit. She was currently wearing thinner clothing, and this would be perfect to fight in, but it would keep her so warm.

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