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PEARL DIDN'T RETURN HOME TO THE SAME DISTRICT 4. Well, it was the same for everyone else. Just not her.

Peacekeepers didn't leave her alone after they escorted her back to her house. She came home to thankfully find Marie and her mother safe. When she tried to exit her house, she came face to face with three Peacekeepers.

She tried to walk forward, but they blocked her. "What are you doing?" the infuriated victor asked.

"We have orders to hold you in this area."

Pearl pushed past one of them, but her arm was just grabbed by the other. "Orders from who?"

"The president."

"Well why don't you tell the president to stop being a creep," Pearl muttered

She stormed back into her house, furious at Snow. Even while she wasn't at the Capitol, he was going to torture her? He held her prisoner wherever he desired and Pearl couldn't deal with it any longer.

Pearl heard crying, and she followed the sound all the way to the kitchen. Marie was sitting at the kitchen table in tears, her mother trying to comfort her.

"What's going on? Marie, are you ok?" Pearl asked in worry.

She's always been so anxious when it comes to her little sister. Marie could cut her finger, and Pearl would be in an excessive state of panic.

"Why are there men out there with guns?" she sobbed.

Pearl looked at her mother in guilt. She likely already knew that they were there because of Pearl. But she had no idea how involved Pearl was with Snow.

"Peacekeepers, sweetie," her mother corrected.

Her mother stopped crouching beside Marie and stood tall. She looked at Pearl with gentle eyes. "Can we talk in the other room?"

Pearl nodded. As soon as they were far enough away from Marie, her mother's look became sterner.

"Pearl, are they here because of you?"

She nodded. "Unfortunately."

"I thought they promised us peace after your victory."

Pearl had thought that too. There really wasn't a simple answer to what was going on. She didn't expect the Peacekeepers to follow her and guard her home.

"Me too."

Pearl couldn't explain what was happening with Snow. She didn't understand herself.

"I can't let Marie be in danger because of you."

Pearl's heart broke. Her mother was suggesting that she was bringing her sister harm. Pearl wasn't trying to endanger anyone. Was her mother right? Did Pearl put her family at risk while she was a tribute?

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