The Higher You Rise

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"The World Exhibition has been a wonder of modern innovation, Argo... from steam-powered flying machines to Charles and Richard's DNA machine," Isaac marvels as those of the team still aboard the airship prepare to depart for the award ceremony, "the event has, however, been overshadowed by murder. The competition for the grand prize suffered from repeated instances of sabotage. Some inventions, like the steampack, have been outright eliminated. Others, like the Chessmaton, have a much lower chance of winning after they were tampered with."

"Even if the saboteur was unable to harm Jason's invention, he worries the damage on the exterior has also reduced his chances of winning..." Argo notes sadly, "but he is grateful that no one went after his mother!"

"Someone is clearly manipulating the competition so that Stanley Spark's Exo-Suit is victorious, but he himself claims innocence," Maddie says, unconvinced.

"The winner is set to be announced tonight. We must be on our guard!" Isaac implored.

However, before anyone could leave via the gangway, Constable Ramirez comes running up it with a look of fright on his face.

"Detective Argo! Pardon my interruption, but you must come quickly!" Constable Ramirez insisted, "the Exhibition Tower, there's-"

"Constable Ramirez, is it?" Isaac tips his hat, "yes, that magnificent construction is finished at last, but that's nothing to worry about-"

"You misunderstand, Detective Bontemps! Someone's been found dead at the bottom of the tower!" he revealed.

"Another murder, on the final night of the World Exhibition?!" he exclaimed, "Argo, we must investigate the tower at once!"

Isaac and Argo hurry out of Alto while the rest of the team returns to their offices/labs to prepare for the case, and Dick grabs a gurney and body bag. Thankfully, the airship was docked close to the entrance of the Exhibition, so the detectives reached the Tower in mere minutes. At the base of the Tower, a tragic scene awaited them: the mangled, dead body of Isaac's cousin Celine. Her limbs were bent at unnatural angles, and her neck was broken while cuts littered her skin as she must have hit the side of the Tower during the fall. A large splatter of blood was underneath Celne's body, and the moon and stars in the night sky above them shone in her lifeless eyes.

Tearing his gaze away from the horrific sight, Argo quickly surveys the area for clues as he notices Dick arriving, rolling the gurney carrying the body bag in front of him. Argo spots a handgun on the ground near the ticket booth. Not far from that was a torn photograph on the ground as well. But before Argo can look further, Isaac makes a nearly inhuman scream as he realizes who the deceased is.

"CELINE!" Isaac wails, rushing to his cousin's side, completely disregarding protocol as he carefully gathers her into his arm, cradling her as he used to when she was a child, "nononononon, Cece! Please! Say something, please!"

"Isaac," Dick places his hand on his friend's shoulder, "she's gone. There's nothing we can do to save her."

"No! She can't be!" he cries, cupping her face to turn her eyes to face him, "she-! She-!"

"I'm so sorry, Isaac," he whispers, reaching out to gently close Celine's eyes, "please, let me take her. You don't need to see Celine like this..."

"No!" he sobs, "I can't let her go... I don't want her to be alone..."

"She won't be, Isaac. Dick won't leave Celine alone," Argo assures, placing his hand on Isaac's other shoulder and squeezing, "he'll take care of her body. Please, let Dick take her..."

Isaac choked on his tears, "I was supposed to protect her... I was supposed to keep her safe..."

"Sadly, we cannot be there at all times..." he consoles, "but there is still something we can do for Celine; we can find her killer and bring them to justice."

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