16. The Plan

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"I understand" Julian took a sip of water given by Knightly.

"You'll do it?" I asked.

"Yes" he turned to Kate "You protected my daughter, Flora, yesterday. It's the least I can do."

Kate looked surprised "The least you can do? Julian, I'm asking you to do something that will risk your life."

"After you took off from the guard yesterday, my daughter could not stop talking about who she calls the hero. You protected her and fought off those guards like it was nothing. Without you there, I would probably not be here, my daughter would be alone. I owe you my life and hers."

A laugh came from the other room as Stella and Flora we're playing some game of tag. Knightly took the empty cup from Julian.

"You're that boy who boasts about becoming pharaoh."

Knightly nodded "I'm going to win the race and make this city better."

Julian let out a small laugh "This city is already so far gone there's no saving it. I'll give you this you did bring in some interesting foreigners but that's not enough."

"Don't believe Knightly can do it?" Kate interrupted.

"No offense but so far this kid brought a bunch of pirates into the city, not to mention one of the most wanted pirates in the entire world. You become pharaoh Knightly and you'll probably let everyone in."

"What's so wrong with that?" Kate's voice grew. "I came to this city wanting to find goods to buy so I can continue traveling. Unbeknownst to me all my money will go to that damn pharaoh. This city needs a source of outcome, input and output. Knightly will let us be free to go wherever we please. You really want Flora to be trapped in the desert city her whole life?"

Without letting Julian say anything Knightly spoke "Flora can see the world with her own eyes. She won't have to fear whips, I'll burn every last one of them as my first act. Water, everyone will get water. The wall will be open to everyone to leave or come back as they see fit. Slaves are no longer slaves. That pyramid can go to hell for all I care."

"You say what everyone else wants but no one ever does it." He looked back at Kate as Knightly backed away a little bit "What's your plan, girl?"

"Matt here will take you to the pyramid entrance"

"Wait why me?"

"Everyone on me crew has a wanted poster except you. If the guards ask you to take off the head wear they won't know who you are. From there we'll pay for Julian's access into the pyramid to get healed."

"Funds are looking a little low at the moment." Stated Beda.

Kate grinned and stepped aside for Alex to place three sacks filled will gold coins on the table "I had Alex sneak around last night and get us a little extra cash from our rich folk. The race is tomorrow right, Knightly?"

He nodded "Yes, it's not the official race but one to decide who the top six are to race in the final."

"We'll pay to access the pyramid and whatever we have left we'll bet it on Knightly winning tomorrow."

Julian stood up, placing his hand on the table to steady his balance "What do I do once I'm in the pyramid?"

Kate crossed her arms "You're going to be our eyes. They'll most likely take you close enough to where they keep the medicine or doctors on hand. Which is good since we're only stealing meds. I need you to pay attention to as much detail as you possibly can. Every little bit counts, how many guards you see, what did the doctor say or get from a drawer. What direction you took, anything at all."

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