19. Frenzy

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"What kind of race is this?" Stella stared in pure horror at what is known as the life race. Yes they race around on personally designed carts being pulled by Fleckals of all sizes. However the entire race consisted of the racers brutally taking out the other racers. By means of weapons and triggering traps that have been set all across the arena. Knightly had dodged some traps and was now within the top three. At one point Pharaoh Hamet waved his hand and one of his guards threw a spear into the arena setting off a trap that released arrows into three of the other racers bodies. Their carts collided and the crowd cheered at the sight.

"They're dropping like flies" Beda stated "Kate and them better hurry up before this race ends soon"


Kate opened one of the doors and quickly scanned the room "This one looks empty too" 

"This one as well" I said checking the next door. We've searched through dozens of rooms now and we're still no closer to finding where they keep the medicine. Alex pushed against another door, it was then I realized that that one he couldn't actually open. Looking up I saw a grate, just big enough for Reebok to fit through. He seemed to have been thinking the same thing. Alex and Kate removed the grate cover and I lifted him up, he scurried through out of sight. We heard a clang on the other side and then the door opened for us. 

"This looks promising" I stated. In the room was boxes upon boxes filled many supplies. Opening a few cabinets there was tons of medicine, medicine that Pharaoh Hamet would never dream of using.

Kate opened a box "This could save a lot of lives and he's keeping everything in boxes. Alex grab as much as you can fit in your bag, you too Reebok. Matt, what specifically do we need for Sara?"

I lifted up a bottle from one of the various cabinets "Got it right here" 

"If there's more grab it, Sara might not be the only one with her illness."

I grabbed two more bottles, they were the only ones left on the shelf and shoved them into my pack. I didn't realize how close I was to the door when a guard burst through and punched my side. I fell to the floor and felt his knee slam into my back, that's when I heard the sickening crack of one the bottles breaking inside my pack. Kate kicked the guard in the face and held a sword to his throat, not letting him get up from the ground. Gripping my right side from the pain I begrudgingly stood up and peered inside my bag. Sure enough one of the three bottles broke. Dammit.

"Know anything about intruders that we're here before us?" She pressed her sword almost right against his neck. The guard looked panicked, you could literally see beads of sweat dripping off his face.

"You...you're Kate Oliver"

"Ah so you've heard of me" Kate knelt down to face him "Then you know that it be super simple for me to shred you to pieces."

"No no...please don't..."

She quickly took hold of his collar "Then tell me what I want to know"

Grabbing his collar did the trick, it terrified him enough that he told us everything. The intruders entered the pyramid yesterday in the lower level. The guards think that the intruders haven't left yet and are hiding on the lower level. Once Kate was satisfied with his answer she had him lead us to an area where we could get to the lower area.

"There, that leads to the lower level please don't..." he didn't get to finish as Kate used the handle of her sword to knock him out. Reebok seemed overly impressed, he cheered.

"Lets go" after sheathing her sword we took off after her as we ran down the stairwell. 

"Thought you didn't want to bother helping Donner and Worm?" I asked.

"Donner and Worm found their own way in this pyramid meaning they probably also have a way out but can't get to it. In this plan of ours, did you really think we would run back through the entrance?"

"True but yeah I kind of figured we would go back the way we came." I took note of the fact that she didn't exactly answer my question about caring for them. She however seemed to be able to read my mind "Me crew knows I would do anything to help them. I'm not one to share my feelings after what happened so something's are just known by others without me saying anything."

She was talking about the moment she was cursed. I had to agree that I myself would have excluded myself from others after something like that. Guess there was more to Kate Oliver then I originally thought.


Stella screamed out Knightly's name when his cart slammed into a wall. One of the more decadent carts was now trying to destroy Knightly's cart by ramming in along the wall. 

"Do something!" Beda shouted. Knightly leapt off his own cart which then broke into pieces behind him. The driver wasn't expecting Knightly to side kick him of the cart. The driver tumbled off the cart and rolled along the ground only to be run over by another cart. The crowd roared with thunderous applause and some gasped at the other drivers demise. The cart behind Knightly's now was being driven by the largest muscly man Stella had ever seen. He stormed by Knightly without even trying, Beda noticed that the Fleckals that were leading that cart were the largest ones in the race. Another cart was catching up to Knightly as they rounded into the final lap.

Stella counted the leaders "If that one gets ahead of him, he'll lose."

As she said that the other cart caught up to Knightly. They were neck and neck until the pharaoh raised his hand. He gave the order and one of his archers fired an arrow. They both swerved their carts to avoid it only Knightly triggered a trap. Small spikes flew out from the side of the wall and took out a chunk of Knightly's cart. Another spike flew out, this one much higher than the rest. Knightly tried to dodge but it caused a gash on his forehead as it flew by. Blood now seeped down, covering vision in his right eye. He started losing speed as some of his cart was now dragging into the sand. 


"What do you see?" Worm whispered as Donner silently opened the door. 

"I don't see anyone, maybe we should leave now?"

"Ok ladies, stay close to us. By us I mean mainly me."

One of the girls giggled the rest just acted like he never said anything. Donner walked out the door and signaled for them to follow him. Donner led them down a familiar hallway, trying to remember which directions they ran when they first got here. They all leaned up against the wall when footsteps were heard just around the corner up ahead. Worm pushed his way forward and acted all tough by gesturing that he's got this and whosever comes around this corner will be knocked out cold. He prepared himself and took a swing, his fist landed right into Alex's chest. It didn't phase Alex one bit but Worm was clearly in pain.

"What the hell man?" Worm cradled his hand trying not to show his face to the now laughing women.

"Found the two idiots." Kate stated.

"Idiots? I was just following this guy." Donner pointed to Worm.

"That makes you an idiot" 

"Is he made of steel?" Whined Worm.

Reebok laughed "Even I could hit this guy"

"Who's this little runt?" Worm stared at him suspiciously.

"Doesn't matter, how did you two get in here?" I asked. 

"Through a trap door" Worm said "it was in some rich guys house. That guy must have been stealing from the pharaoh."

"Do you remember how to get there?" Kate asked.

"Yeah, I think so, follow me." Donner stated but one of the girls barged in front of him.

"You're Kate Oliver? Thee Kate Oliver?"

"Yes and um, who are all of you?"

"Do you really turn into a werewolf?" Another girl asked.

"Every full moon now can we get going. Donner please explain to me how you guys managed to find women in here while we run."

"I'll let the girls explain, lets go!" 

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