11‚ missing gun

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chapter eleven : missing gun?

"Hey guys," I greeted the girl as I walked into Beth's house

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"Hey guys," I greeted the girl as I walked into Beth's house. Ruby was standing by the stairs while Beth and Annie were sitting on them, looking as if they were trying to stay awake. "He still out?" I asked.

"Apparently so," Ruby answered. "This one hasn't slept," She pointed to a yawning Beth. "And this one supposedly slept like a baby." Annie waved with a smile.

"I'm sure she did." I chuckled at my older sister.

"Maybe we need smelling salts or something?" Beth stated in a groggy voice.

"I'm sorry," I looked to the girls. "You want him up?" I frowned.

"Well, I don't want him to die in my house." Beth said just as a thud was heard from upstairs.

We all stared up the stairs, Beth and Annie getting up. "Looks like he's definitely not dying in your house Beth." I sarcastically said, trying to ease my nerves.

Beth gave me a look before we rushed up the stairs to her daughter's room, slowly opening the door with Beth in front of us. What was once an occupied bed was now empty, the only thing left of life was the blood pile that seated on it.

"Shit," I muttered.

"His gun, go get his gun." Beth said. "It's in the linen closet." As Annie rushed off to find the gun Beth took a couple of steps into the room, me grabbing on her arm to pull her back.

"It's fine," She said as she continued to walk in there, my hand falling from her arm.

"Where in the linen closet?" Annie asked.

"Where is it?" Ruby asked, but Beth was already far in the room.

"She put it on the top shelf," I replied, leading Ruby to tell Annie but she was still struggling to find it so Ruby went to help while I stood at the door watching Beth.

"Beth be careful," I whispered, growing worried for my sister. She held a hand up to me insinuating that she was going to be fine, before she stepped closer to the closed door, slowly creaking it open.

I gulped watching as she turned on the light, my head leaning to see if I could see inside the bathroom. She suddenly gasped and I did too at the sound and sight of the gun held in front of her face.

"Guys there's no gun in here," Ruby announced.

"Yeah we found it," I said, leading the girls to come in the room but stop at the sight in front of them.

Annie held onto me as we watch Beth interact with the man the gang leader left us to handle. I closed my eyes tightly, wishing hell on him before opening my eyes when the dude asked a question.

"Where am I?" He asked, but once he realized that he wasn't going to get a response from us. He shouted, "Where am I?!"

"My house. You're in my house." Beth answered, her hands going up to show she was defenseless but I don't think that would've stopped him.

"Who the hell are you?"

Beth backed away, the dude stepping forward. "I'm a friend of your friend's. He thought that you would be safe here."

"I need a car." He stated, not bothering to ask who his friend was.

"What?" Beth rasped out.

He glared at her, glancing back towards us and I looked away feeling my heart picking up speed. "Give me your car keys." He tilted his head at Beth.

"Do you understand that we actually saved—" "Give me the keys! Now!" He shouted, moving forward with a tight hold on his gun.

I jumped, pulling away from Annie as she got her keys out of her jacket. He then pointed the gun at Ruby who stated that she took the bus and then looked at me but I only shook my head.

"I have really weak nails. I can't get them off!" Annie panicked and I moved closer to try and help her with the keys.

"Look, downstairs on the counter. Just take it." Beth said and the dude looked between all of us before rushing out the door.

I sighed in relief, lifting my head to throw a small glare at Beth. "Great, that was amazing. Wonderful really."

"Blake baby, go put some pants on so we can leave

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"Blake baby, go put some pants on so we can leave." I told my son who sighed but ran out of the room nonetheless.

Today was Kenny's party that actually turned out to be cool once we all learned that we can just return the shit. I placed a bow on Clara's head, smoothing her chubby cheeks with soft kisses, which earned giggles from her.

"Alright, let's go baby." I picked her up, grabbing her bag to place in the car seat, before picking up the car seat all together. I passed Blake's room just to see him grabbing a favorite video game of his. "What are you doing?"

He jumped in surprise, "Well I thought Kenny might like this so i'm giving it to him." He rushed out the room with a smile on his face.

"That's sweet, bubba, but that's your game and i'm sure Kenny won't even worry if you gave it to him or not." I positioned Clara differently on my hip.

"I know, but I still want to." He rushed away from me and down the stairs. "Come on! Let's go."

"What a sweet kid." I muttered to Clara, kissing her forehead.


(900+ words) unedited

this chapter was very very short lmaoo.

xoxo, ZEE

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