05‚ a job

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chapter five : a job.

I look from my two sister to Ruby who were staring back at me, waiting for me to tell them the important news

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I look from my two sister to Ruby who were staring back at me, waiting for me to tell them the important news. "He wants us to help him get something that's in Canada."

"What?" Annie asked, her hands wrapped around the green coffee mug.

"I thought we were done." Ruby said.

I sighed, "So did I." I brung my coffee mug to my lips, taking a sip of the wine that was in it. "But he says it's best if we don't know." I answered Annie's question.

Annie hums knowingly. "I mean, come on," When we all look at her in confusion her face drops as she looks back and forth between us all. "Oh, guys, seriously?" She frowns up.

"Just say it!" Beth blurts, not being able to handle the anticipation anymore.

"Drugs...up our ass." She puts down her other fingers, only having two up then made a motion as if she was sticking her fingers in someone's ass.

I cringed.

"What?" Ruby gives my sister a ridiculous look.

"Oh, yeah. Otherwise, you gotta swallow the baggie, which, frankly, seems even more uncomfortable. You know, if almost rather-" Ruby cuts off Annie.

"Nope. Uh-uh," Ruby gives me a look. "That's not gonna happen."

I sighed, putting my face in my hands.

"Oh! You'd rather just declare a kilo at customs?" Annie goes on.

"I don't wanna smuggle drugs at all." Ruby strictly stated.

I get Ruby. I don't want to do this either, but I'm mostly worried about what would happen if I don't follow along to what he says. I don't want to cause any problems, so we have to go through with this, and then it's done.

"Don't say kilo"

Annie turns her attention back to me, "Okay, when are we supposed to do this?" She asked, Beth and Ruby looked towards me also wanting an answer.


"I can't Friday. I have a home visit for my custody case." I frowned when Annie said that. She has so much going on and this is just adding to her problems, I don't want her to loose Sadie.

"So, you're gonna tell the man with the crying skull tattoo that Friday doesn't work for you?" I tilted my head and raised an eyebrow.

"Fine. But we have to be back in time for me to clean up and get all the drugs out of my cavities."

I sighed, putting down my mug before leaning my hands on the kitchen island. "Guys, he didn't specifically say it was drugs, okay? It could be something else."

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