01‚ the store

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chapter one : the store.

I rushed upstairs to my daughter's room as I heard her hysterically crying

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I rushed upstairs to my daughter's room as I heard her hysterically crying. I push open her bedroom door gently and hurried to her crib. "Hey, baby, shhh, it's okay." I cradled her in my arms, slowly moving back and forth.

I frowned as I noticed that she was a little hot, like she was running a fever. "Mommy? Is she okay?" I heard a quiet and sleepy voice from behind me and turned around, smiling as I met the eyes of my six year old son, Blake.

He was looking at his little sister with worried and sleepy eyes, his hair glued to his forehead, his pj's where twisted all types of ways, and he had a little bit of drool in the corner of his mouth.

"Yes, honey, she's fine. Just running a small fever. What are you doing up so early?" I walked over to him and run my hand through his hair, pushing the hair that was stuck to his forehead out of his eyes.

"She was crying and I was coming to check on her, mommy, but you got her. When's Lisa coming?" Blake questioned, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"She's already here making breakfast, why don't you go get some? I'll be down to say bye in a bit, okay?" Blake nods and removes his arms from me, running out of the room.

I kissed Clara's cheek and leave out her room, with her in my arms, and make my way to mines. I get my phone and other necessary things that I need for today. I walk out of my room, shutting the door behind me, and walk downstairs.

"Thank you so much for this." I thanked Lisa when I walked into the kitchen, putting Clara down in the play pin that was sitting there.

"Of course, I love chilling with these little monsters." She bends down to make silly faces to Clara, which makes her let out a little giggle.

"They love you," I smile, "But Clara's running a small fever, so you can just give her a small cup of this," I pull out some medicine. "It's probably gonna knock her out for a while, so, yeah. Thank you once again."

"You're welcome, Ms. Marks."

"Bye, baby boy. You be good, okay?" I kiss Blake's forehead and he nods, saying bye with a mouthful of bacon.

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