02‚ bad idea

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chapter two : bad idea.

If I said us robbing that grocery store was easy, then you've got another thing coming

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If I said us robbing that grocery store was easy, then you've got another thing coming.

We decided to go to my house. Ruby was pacing, Beth staring into space, Annie counting the money, and me rambling on about everything that just happened in the last few hours.

"Can you believe it? We robbed a freaking grocery store, we're frucking amazing! We got away with it too. Holy shit, we got away with it." I run my hands repeatedly through my tangled hair as I went on and on.

Ruby finally noticing Beth being quiet for once, looked over at the strawberry-blonde. "Beth. Hello? Are you okay in there?" She got closer to her whilst I watched from afar, siting down on the floor. "What's your name?"

"I robbed a grocery store." Beth said, her eyes not moving from the spot on the wall.

"Who's Secretary of State?" Ruby asked as if anyone knew the questioned to that.

"George Washington. Oh, wait—" Frowning up my eyebrows Ruby and Annie look at me like I'm out of my mind.

"I robbed a grocery store." Beth repeated, ignoring Ruby's question once again.

Turning her eyes away from me Ruby's eyebrows frown up as well, "Who is Secretary of State?" She asked Annie, who shrugged her shoulders and went back to counting the money that was in her hands.

"We robbed a grocery store." Beth said, finally looking at me and Ruby.

"Cool, right? I mean, at first I was like "Damn, Beth is hella crazy", but now it's like my eyes and ears are finally clear. We just got away with robbing a grocery store, we're inevitable! Let's rob a bank."

"Woah, slow down. This is a one time thing, we aren't doing this anymore." Ruby shuts down my excitement quickly and crouch my back, relaxing my forced posture.

"Yeah, as much as we killed it at being criminals . . . We aren't doing it again." Beth's sisterly tone comes in.

"How much did we get, Annie? Please, tell me we got the $30 grand." Ruby looks at Annie hoping for so good news, as does me and Beth.

"Uh," Annie picks up the money in front of her. "We got it." She forced a wary smile.

Ruby and Beth sighed but I knew Annie better. I got up from my seat on the floor and stood next to Ruby. "But?" I raised an eyebrow at Annie. I could feel Beth and Ruby's gaze on the side of my head.

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