03‚ getting it back

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chapter three : getting it back.

lieschapter three : getting it back

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"They're looking for him." Annie voiced her arrival.

Turning my head away from Beth's scrubbing on her kitchen counter, I look towards Annie with a searching expression. "Do they know he's missing?"

"I don't know." Annie picks up her speed, standing in front of Beth on the other side on the counter.

"Or is it just about the robbery?" Beth continues her scrubs trying to get something off of the counter.

"I don't know." Annie repeats.

"What did you tell them?"

"That you bashed his head in with a whiskey bottle. What do you think—" I cut Annie off.

"What?! What the fuck are you talking about? Did you kill someone?" Looking back and forth between my idiotic sisters, standing up from the chair as I wait for one of them to spill their guts.

Before either one of them could talk Ruby comes in which makes Annie take a sit on one of the chairs. Both now avoiding my quizzical look.

"So, I got $18 in tips. I had to sell Stan's favorite set of cuff links for $250. Sara is playing her first soccer game in a T-shirt instead of the team uniform," I watched as Beth and Annie dry look. "Which gives us a grand total of $343. Which means we now owe $59, 657 to the violent street gang. Please tell me you did better."

Ruby finishes her sentence to look around the kitchen, thinking that we were all focusing on that only to be met with my suspicions gaze on both my sisters and their nervous looks.

"What's going on?"

"There's been a development." Beth says, her eyes landing on me finally.

"Did you guys kill a guy?" I squint my eyes at them, whilst Ruby's head quickly turns to me. Her eyes filled with worried and concern.

"Killed who?!"

To sum everything up Beth told us that they didn't kill anyone but that they did have another wonderful surprise for us up in her kids treehouse.

"What am I looking at right now?" Ruby looks at Beth, then back down.

"What the—"

"What am I even looking at right now?" Ruby yells out.

What we were looking at was Annie's boss who's feet was tied with a jump rope, his hands were also tied but now with a jump rope, and they stuffed a bandanna in his mouth. He screams as he stared at us with widen eyes, the screams being muffled by the bandanna. He wiggled around which had caused him to roll over onto his stomach.

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