09‚ man in the bed

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chapter nine : man in the bed.

"Uh," I tilted my head, trying to form words

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"Uh," I tilted my head, trying to form words. "My eyes must not be working properly because what the fuck is this?" I turned slowly to Beth, not taking my eyes off of the bloody man in her daughters bed.

"Who is that?" Ruby whispered to Beth.

"I don't know," She whispered back.

"How the hell do you not know?" I harshly asked.
"What do you mean, you don't know?" Ruby asked Beth at the same time as me.

"I mean, I came back from the grocery store and he was just there. And I'm assuming he's an associate of the gangbanger."

I pressed the heel of my palms into my eyes. There was more that Beth wasn't telling us, because why the hell would Rio dumb some guy at her house? Especially on her daughters bed.

"Come on! I thought we were done with that?" Ruby stated. She must've read my mind since I too was wondering the exact same thing.

"Yeah, what the hell?" Annie spoke up.

"Okay, okay. We were," I glared at her, waiting for her to continue her words. "And then...oh, God. It sounds so crazy even saying it."

"Say it!" I demanded, growing more angry by the second. I already knew what was about to come out of her mouth, and I did not like it.

"I...I...I offered to do another job." Beth whispered to us, which happened to stun us all.

"You asked for this?" Ruby pointed to the man, while Annie stood laughing.

I nudged her but my attention and glare never moved from Beth. "It's not like we don't need the money. We all still need the money."

No matter how much I tried to shut Annie up she never did. "But you asked for this?" I repeated Ruby's questioning from earlier.

"Well, not this! Shh." Beth shushed Annie's laughing, which finally got her to quiet just a bit.

"I'm sorry. I just can't believe it's you and not me. Come on, it's crazy." I finally turned to Annie as I realized what she said made a lot of sense.

I somehow don't know how Annie isn't the youngest with how she acts. I'm younger than her and even I know to be mature. Maybe it's all the drugs she took.

"Look, I just said that we would possibly," I perked up at the word "we" that came out of her mouth. "If the circumstances were right, pick up another load of fake cash."

"We?!" I whispered shouted.
"You volunteered us?" Ruby asked, our sentence merging together as we spoke over one another.

"It's not drugs! It's paper. I mean, it's literally paper." Beth's voice dropped as she tried to get us to understand. To reason with us. But I was way past reasoning with Beth, now...I just wanted to punch her in the fucking face.

"You can't sign people up for criminal activity like it's a bake sale." Ruby continued to argue with Beth, while I stared at the bloody man, shaking my head in disbelief.

"Noted. But can you just help me get this person out of my house right now?"

"Oh, guys...Beth wants some help," I sarcastically stated, with an overly dramatic hyper voice. "Maybe you should've thought about it, before you got us until this fucking mess!" As much as I tried to keep my voice down, I shouted a bit causing the man on the bed to shift and us to back up. "That's my fault."

Beth glared at me like it was my fucking fault to begin with, which it fucking wasn't. "Why don't you just call your BFF, the other gangbanger?" Ruby voiced after a while.

"He's not my BFF," Beth sasses. Shit I slept with him and even I think that they're best friends now, accomplices. "I don't even know that guy's name."

I turned my head away from Beth and the other girls and stared down at my feet. She might not have known his name, but I definitely did. And at the mention of him, I couldn't help but think about our night together and how good he made me feel.

I wanted to scream. I thought last night would be the last time that I saw him, but Beth's plans was going to make this very difficult on me and very very awkward.

"No, but I bet he does," Annie pointed to the unconscious man. "Right? Maybe I can..." She fidgeted, looking at all of us.

I dropped eye contact, "Nope, this is Beth's problem she should be the one to do it." I harshly said, throwing Beth a bitchy look.

She rolled her eyes. "Again, I didn't ask for this."

"But you asked for something," I gritted.

"Look, I'll do it! Just...just watch my back. Please." She told us and I could see the fear in her eyes which only made me even more irritated with Beth.

"Be careful, Annie." I said, placing comforting hand on her arm, but I knew it was anything but.

Elizabeth should be the one to do this. She signed up for it, she was the oldest, and fair play, this was her fucking mess. Why does she have her little sister doing the dirty work for her?

I knew that I also could've done it, but seriously, not my mess. I usually stay out of other people's messes, but it looks as if this is gonna be our mess as well.

Annie eased over to him, pushing him up by the buckle of his pants as she pulled out what I would've expected to be a phone, but instead was a gun. I held my breath as Annie turned to us trying to give one of us the gun.

I backed into the hallway with Ruby, leaving Beth to take the gun which was oddly satisfying to me. "Ha," I muttered, causing Beth to look back at me with an angered expression.

Annie wiped her hands and sighed as she moved to the man again, this time actually grabbing the phone and making her way to us.

"What's the last number he called?" Ruby asked as she looked over Annie's shoulder.

I didn't find any interest in this as I had already knew the gangleaders name, but I did find it surprisingly sweet when Annie read off how many times he called his mom.

I tensed when she finally read off the correct name.



(1k+ Words) unedited

literally told myself not to update,
but here's the update...it's not much but idk i wanted
to split this chapter up for some stupid reason.

xoxo, ZEE

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