shock.( Day 2 )

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I wake up. My mini alarm clock is going off my clothes from the previous night are ironed and washed?. What type of deal is this guy trying to make with me?? Because if hes trying to make a deal with me it will cost him more than this. I hate him. He ruined my life ISWEL!. Actually Tom did. That manic harmed a poor little 6 year old.. what am o saying? I cant sue his ass and im that little poor six year old?? pathetic. Im surprised he isnt in jail yet. Grett was a good person. But i have no idea where she's gone. I hope she made emends with her family i doubt it though my advice was on Point i can't even lie? Anyway i stand up and get ready out of my PJs and brush my hair. Put my uscal headband on. I grab my notebook and walk out. I look around. Nobody is seen. Great! Ive got this place to myself. I walk downstairs Alec is sitting their drinking coffee. I roll my eyes before walking into the living room and Alec's laptop is their. Just what i needed for research! I cannot be bothered to ask his so i open it. I start to look up my normal research like how to get rid of these burns marks for free... Still nothing. I could get ice or wait for the skin to comeback but thats no use is it. I need to care about how i look or people wont think I'm a helpless little child. I'm smarter than normal kids my age. Isnt that great! I can look down on people older than. me! Not physically but mentally. I close the laptop and look around. I sense someone is in the room. Its Alec. His face is digusted.

: Alec : "Fiore what the fuck do you think you doing??"

: Fiore : "Just looking around..????"

I scoff

: Alec : "Well you can stop. This is my house. And your probably just gonna manipulate me into letting you stay here longer."

Im shocked by this statement and shocked. I'm more than that! Im not that bad of a person. I hide my feelings. It shouldnt feel the satisfaction of seeing me sad

: Fiore: " Alec who the fuck do you think you are saying im gonna manipulate you into stagi here longer?? Im not that bad! Your an asshole. Im more than a manipulater."

: Alec : "Sure you are.. You made everyone hate you??"

: Fiore : "Grett didnt hate me."

: Alec : "Then why not stay will her? You fucking burnt to shit child. Your parents were right. You are a mistake "

: Fiore : "Alec i hope you know i dont know where the actual fuck grett is and i didn't do this to myself. The cart crashed and burnt my fucking skin you asshole. So what if im a mistake. Im smart and i get myself around things easily. Who would suspect a little old 7 year old. With a couple words of mine they let me off the hook. I will never be caught for any crime. And my parents will always be right. So those words do not hurt me."

: Alec : "Fiore i know theirs a good person in you. I just need to break you. Even if that means insulting you.. You good for nothing freak. Are you sure words dont hurt you?? "

: Fiore : "Alec they really dont. And your not the person i use to know. The caring sweet father guy. The person i LOOKED up to.I thought we could really make amends. I guess not."

I say this knowing it will break him. If he thought i looked at him like a father or even if i looked up to him it would suprise him obviously.

I look him dead in the eyes. Hes crying??? Pathetic who even cries when they're like 40 or something!

I turned my head and walk out of the living room..

I broke him too much JEEZ. Maybe he isn't that bad but when he's like this begging for forgiveness its awful and a pain to hear.

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