Thank you.

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I lie down. I'm worried about what is gonna happen next. Is the next part of my life going to be spent in jail? It was  worth it since I defending Aiden .. Fiore walks in

: Fiore : "Uh James?"

I sit up

: James : "Yeah Fiore?"

: Fiore : "Alec is here at the front door."

: James : "Why is that asshole here."

: Fiore : "To make amends or to talk I don't know??"

: James : "Let him in. Give me a couple minutes to get ready. Why is he so early? it's seven in the morning..?"

: Fiore : "Don't ask me?"

Fiore walks out the room

I tap Aidens shoulder lightly

: Aiden :"hm?"

: James : "Alec is at the door.I'll be back in a couple of minutes Aiden."

: Aiden : "Alright James."

I stand up and Alec AND ? the police are here

: Alec : "James."

: James : "..Well good morning to you too."

Alec's PoV

I seriously have no idea what the police are doing here. But I think they might be dropping the charges. Or well I hope.

: Tom : "James. Could you sign here?"

: James : "Uh what for?"

: Tom : "We just need your signature to drop the charges. But we will have an eye on you."

: James : "Of course."

James signs it

: Fiore : "can I go back to bed? It's fucking early as hell."

: Police officer 2 : "LANGUAGE! young lady!"

: Fiore : "Yeah yeah."

I walk up to James

: Alec : "I am very sorry about this."

: James : "It's fine."

I walk out of his house

Different by ripxellover101
This may not be the ending you wanted but it's the one you got :p I will do more Disventure camp stuff soon or or later! At the moment my newest work "Family" should have one part out! It's inspired by this story with Aiden James and Fiore :D goodbye and thank you all!!

Different.. ( Disventurecamp Fiore)Where stories live. Discover now