A happy ending.( Finale.)

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We walk back to Aiden and James house. Gabby and Ellie follow. Gabby is holding me and slightly hugging me. I think she might feel bad. I can rarely walk though I'm glad that they have forgiven me. It's rare that people forgive for what I've done. Saying I'm seven years old who wouldn't feel bad? Well clearly alott of people. But they forgave me. They tended to my wounds. They helped me when I was at my lowest. Did anyone else? No. I feel safe. I don't feel the need to be so aware. When they signed those thin white papers just right in front of me I felt better. James and Aiden. Some people that were strangers to me not so long back. But now we are a family . Two fathers is normal. Just as normal as anything else. They adopted me. When everyone else left me. When everyone else betrayed me.

And their we sat on a high wall watching the blooming fireworks as a family. The clock struck midnight. And I was with My new family.

Different. By ripxellover101

Thank you all for the support and reading this. I ended it on a happy note. If you have any tips or suggestions for any writings I'd love to write them :) happy new years everyone !

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