I cant lose it them. We cant lose each other.

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I wake up after about maybe 2 or three hours. Fiore, Aiden and James aren't here but Tom and Jake are here..?

: Alec : "..Huh why are you guys here?"

: Jake : "We heard what happened! Tom is gonna arrest the person who did this! Because it was assault."

: Tom : "Could you tell me or describe who did it?"

I sigh. I can't do this to James. He seems happy and I wasn't the nicest

: Alec: "I can't tell you."

: Tom : "Wait why? Are they threatening you!?"

: Alec : "I deserved this. Honestly they seem happy with everything now."

: Jake : "Nobody deserves this! Just tell us."

: Alec : "I can't. I won't. They don't deserve this."

: Tom : "They NEED to be arrested as they are now a criminal or THREAT to the town."

: Alec : "NO! I've said it twice and it won't be said three times. And they seem happy with their new family now.."

: Tom : "Did you say 'New family'?"

: Alec : "I did. Why?"

: Tom : "The only person in this town to adopt

recently was James! Thank you Alec. I'll get right on this case."

: Alec : "You don't understand Tom. I was.."

I sigh

: Alec : "I was transphobic to Aiden. I was in the wrong. They visited me here and made sure I was okay. Can I drop the charges?"

: Tom : "These are very complex charges. Are you sure?"

: Alec : "More than sure."

Tom sighs and walks out the room with Jake . I grab my phone and ring them as fast as possible

The phone call

"hello? Aiden? James ?"

"none of them are here. It's Fiore . Make it quick."

"Tell them to call me back when they're back."

"They aren't gone. They are just busy."

"Oh they're doing the uhh.."

"EW WHAT? sicko they are just cooking food. You make me Absurdly sick."

"Could you preferably get James for me?"


I hear a muffled voice come from afar


James picks up the phone

"Fiore said you needed me?"

"So I have something very serious to explain to you. This is LIFE threatening serious."

"Go on Alec."

"Do you remember when you hit me on the Jaw earlier today?"

"Yes I do. What did you do?"

"Tom and Jake came up to me questioning me and sorta found out it was you but I asked them to drop the charges but I don't know if they did??"


"You heard me?"

"So I could be losing my family because of YOU?
I can't lose them. We can't lose each other."
"I think they dropped the charges. They should have!  I asked them! Gotta go now! Bye!"

I end the call

James pov

I don't know what to think. I could lose my family because of a punch. I didn't think it was THAT serious. I'm afraid of what's to happen next. I need to tell Aiden this. Fiore can't know. She's lost everything already and I don't think she'd want to know this. I walk into the kitchen and Aiden and Fiore are just sitting down talking.

: James : "Aiden. Could I talk to you for a second?"

: Aiden : "Uh sure! What's wrong James? Fiore We'll be back"

We walk out to the living room

: Aiden : "What's wrong James? You look upset abit."

: James : "Theirs a possibility I'm going to jail."

: Aiden : "WHAT? James what the fuck did you do???"

: James : "Remember when I punched Alec?"

: Aiden : "Yes."

: James : "Alec rang me today and said Tom and Jake came up to him questioning me and sorta found out it was you but  he asked them to drop the charges but he's unsure if they dropped the charges."

: Aiden : "But if he asked for the charges to be dropped they should be dropped?"

: James : "I'm just worried."

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