11. Nine Percent

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The house was quiet as we made our way back through the kitchen and into the living room. The space was decorated in the same elegant fashion as the rest of the rooms, with that same homey feeling in the air as soon as you stepped inside. Everyone was sprawled out on the sofas and, for once, looking somewhat relaxed.

"We wondered when you two were going to show up," Pilot joked.

Chris said nothing, but I knew he'd noticed Ben's reddened eyes and freshly tear-stained cheeks. He averted his stare, choosing instead to draw attention to Sophia's new collection of toys spread across the carpet.

"I hope none of these were sentimental," he said, gesturing to the toys where pieces had been removed and forcibly attached to others.

Ben blinked slowly, a subtle look of appreciation for the conversation not staying on himself. "Soph," he said, eyebrows raised. "You are quite the artist."

"Thanks!" The girl grinned like she'd just received the compliment from Van Gogh himself. "This one is my favourite." 

She lifted one of her creations and handed it to him. I was sure I must've seen it in a nightmare once, or if I hadn't, it was going to appear in one soon. It was a half-dinosaur, half-human creation with limbs in places that were anatomically impossible.

Ben was lost for words as he took the doll from her, turning it in every direction expecting there to be an angle where it might have made sense. His brows furrowed. 

"It's definitely... impressive," he considered. "What are you calling this one?"

Soph took it back from him, briefly deliberating the question. "Dino-Man," she decided finally.

Ben's brows raised, and his bottom lip pouted with an impressed expression. "I couldn't have thought of anything better myself."

We both pulled up on one of the sofas beside Julia, sitting across from Pilot and Chris. Once, I could've pictured this room being used for family game nights, or quiet evenings in front of the fireplace. Now, it was about to become a place for strategy, for discussions on how to stay alive.

Pilot cleared his throat. "Did either of you find anything?"

I shook my head, answering before Ben had time to panic over his answer. "There are too many papers and emails in that room to know where to start today. We'll get some rest and go at it with a clear head tomorrow. Maybe one of you could give us a hand?"

Pilot nodded in agreement. "I'll do it," he said. "If there are names from EDIN, maybe I'll be able to recognise some."

"Thank you." I turned to Julia beside me. "How are you holding up?"

"Bored," she replied. "I feel so useless sitting around here while you're all running around for me."

"You can re-bandage yourself next time with all the complaining you did," Chris joked.

Julia rolled her eyes. "You should learn how to do it better."

"You should learn to avoid getting shot in the first place."

Ben sighed. "Alright, you two stop it."

It took only one look before laughter seemed to erupt from all of us, including Julia who somehow combined wincing and laughing.

"Oh God," she exhaled. "Please no one else say anything funny. It still hurts." She looked at Chris who was still laughing. "You guys are the ones who will have to put up with the complaining," she smirked.

"Please no," Pilot groaned. "Putting up with Chris is enough."

I grinned. "Pilot, I have a question for you. Feel free not to answer if it's too personal."

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