30. Take The Blame

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The sun was starting to rise when we left the laboratory. Only a few Infected wandered the outside of the building which were quickly despatched by the lab's security before we even had a chance to look in their direction.

"I feel like I've missed a lifetime," Will said quietly from the passenger seat. Ben sat beside him, one hand on the wheel and the other resting against the window.

"Me too," he whispered. The soft morning light cut through the truck, casting an orange glow across each of our faces.

Will turned to look at Ben. "How did you find the lab?"

He returned his other hand to the steering wheel as the road began to twist. "Back home in mum's office..."

Will paused, his expression changing. "You went back home?"

Ben nodded. "Everything is still as we left it, like nothing had changed... I thought it would've been looted and torn apart but it was all still there."

He turned his head, but I could still see his reflection in the side mirror. There was a smile on his lips, but a sadness tainted his irises, one that was fighting tears.

"Do you remember that stupid panic alarm she had installed?"

Will nodded.

Ben scoffed as he recalled the memory. "The fucking thing tripped, and we had a herd on us immediately... Lucy was the one who found us in the middle of it all."

Will exhaled a laugh as he rubbed at one of his eyes. "I didn't even think that thing worked. She never even tested it once."

"Oh, it works alright," Ben laughed, composing himself. "So, go on then. How do you know Dr Lawson?"

He rubbed his hands across his stubbled cheeks. "From your mother," he sighed. "I always knew about Sarah but there was no guarantee she'd still be alive... I knew I had to take the chance. I thought I might be able to contact you at EDIN, that the labs would be talking to each other."

"What about Land's End?" he asked. "How did you know everyone would be safe?"

"I first met Rose just after we started Carnelian. She asked if we wanted to join her in Land's End, they were gathering people to go with them..."

I sat forward. "Why did you say no?"

Will exhaled. "At the time, there were a few people with us who were too old to travel and some that were too sick or injured. It wasn't fair to leave them behind. And I don't regret that decision."

"So that was your Plan B if Carnelian failed?" Ben asked.

Will nodded.

"You never told me..."

"I had hoped I would never have to," he replied. "With everything that was happening, it was a last-minute decision to come this far. I never wanted either of us to be involved in that world. Sarah is not the kind of woman I would seek help from unless it was entirely necessary... I'm sorry."

Ben composed himself as he swerved around a group of Infected, narrowly missing the bloodied hand that reached out toward the truck. "Do you think she'll be able to get us what we need?"

"If there's one person out there, it will be her," he replied. "But Sarah can be too focused on the results sometimes. I advise both of you to be careful."

"We will," Ben replied, pulling the car around the back of an abandoned building. "I expect we want to avoid any unnecessary questions... We should walk from here."


We arrived soaked from the rain and splattered in mud. I was sure there was water in my shoes from the puddles we'd walked through. My hair stuck to my skin and dripped into my eyes and even Ben wiped at the drops that ran down his forehead. The gates to Land's End opened slower than they usually did like the weight of them was heavier against the damp ground. There were guards on patrol who waved us through upon seeing our faces.

"You guys look like shit," one joked, nudging the guard beside him.

"Thanks," Ben muttered.

They failed to hide the curious glances and narrowed stares they shot in our direction as we slumped through and into the camp. One of them turned his head to the radio at his shoulder, speaking quietly into the box. A muffled voice returned, and he stuck his hand out in front of me, stopping me in my tracks. Both Ben and Will turned immediately, their brows furrowed.

"Is something wrong?" I asked.

The guard looked between the three of us. "Rose wants to see you in the cabin."

I nodded. "We'll head there now."

The man narrowed his eyes, tilting his head as he looked at me. "Start thinking of your excuses," he said. "Nobody disappears in the middle of the night without a good reason."

I froze, noticing only Ben's hand on my back leading me away. "Don't worry," he whispered in my ear. "Leave it to me."

The fabric of my jacket shivered with the breeze, trembling with each step closer we took. The wind wrapped and pressed against me, pushing me away from the cabin. When we got closer, Ben took my hand in his, squeezing gently. I couldn't tell whether it was for his reassurance or mine.

"Where the hell have you two been?" Rose raised her voice before we'd even shut the door behind us. "You've had everyone here worried sick. Chris said you all got separated but we assumed you wouldn't be far behind."

"We're sorry," Ben began. "We got a little lost. I promise it wasn't-"

"Actually," Will interrupted, raising his palms. "I would like to take the blame for this one."

Rose cocked a brow. "And you are?"

"My name is Will," he replied. "They were out looking for me. I left Ben a note back at our camp you see, when that got destroyed and I didn't turn up here, they took it upon themselves to go out and search... I fear I may have been dead if they hadn't turned up."

"You both risked your lives for-"

"For my stepdad," Ben replied, meeting Rose's stare.

Her eyes brightened and a smile began to form against her lips. She darted between Will and Ben as she lifted her hands to her cheeks. "Oh, I'm so happy for you both!"

"You're not mad?" Ben asked cautiously.

Rose took a step back. "I'm mad that you didn't want to ask us for help. We could have sent people out with you rather than sneaking out. Did you run into any herds?"

"Just a few stragglers," Ben replied, shaking his head. "Nothing we couldn't handle."

Rose pressed a hand to her chest. "Thank God," she exhaled.

"We are sorry," I said. "It won't happen again."

"Good," she nodded, starting to look more relaxed. Her eyes wandered over Will who only smiled. "I'm so glad you're all okay." She turned to the door and waved her hand. "Now, get out of here and rest. I'm sure you're all exhausted and need some sleep."

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