35. The Ten Commandments

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Julia beat both of us at every single game. All four of them. We'd played into the afternoon and didn't end up coming back until after lunch. Chris was visibly disappointed when we told the group about it.

"A bowling alley?" he exclaimed. "And you didn't think to ask me?"

"It was my idea," Julia replied across the table. "You're more than welcome to join us next time... But don't expect to win."

He scoffed. "I'll have you know, before the outbreak, I was known as the local bowling champion."

"Bullshit," Pilot laughed. "You would've told me about that one."

"Actually," Will interrupted from beside Ben. "I do remember Chris mentioning something about that back in Carnelian."

Ben's mouth dropped. "You believe him?"

"No sides," Will laughed. "I only remember what I was told. I think Tom was there too."

"Tom's not here to back up this claim," I clicked my tongue.

"Where is he?" Chris asked with a hint of desperation.

"Still at the fence," Pilot replied. "They're repairing a broken section from the wind, I think."

Ben nudged Will's shoulder with his own. "Looks like we'll all be in for a game next time then."

Will smirked, holding out his palm. "You're on," he replied, shaking Ben's hand.

Pilot laughed, shaking his head at the hilarity of it all. "I should be heading back out," he said, getting to his feet.

Will checked his watch. "Yes, I think we all should. Rose will be wondering where I've got to."

"You're helping Rose?" I asked.

He smiled, and a certain colour flushed his cheeks as he pushed his chair back to stand up. "It seems that managing one camp has given me enough experience to help with this one. I think I might have found something I'm good at."

"I'm sure the company isn't bad either," Ben teased, quiet enough that only Will and I heard. Will darted a widened look but turned before either of us could read his expression.

The rest of the group dispersed back to their various roles. Pilot returned to the fence, and Chris to the kitchen to help with the lunchtime cleanup. Julia led the way for Ben and me towards the medical centre. After how I'd patched her up and my role back in Carnelian, she'd vouched for me and said I'd be wasted anywhere else.

We were halfway across the field when the Church door opened beside us. "Em!" a man called out.

We all turned and spotted Simon standing in the doorway, waving a hand in the air for my attention. "Yeah?" I called back with a scowl. I took a cautious step towards him, close enough that I could hear without shouting. There was a twinge in my chest at the sight of the building. It was involuntary, a place my body had now unconsciously adapted to hate.

His hands closed together. "Could I perhaps borrow you for a moment?" he asked.

"What for?"

He gave the slightest smile. "I feel awful about the other day and how I went about it. I thought it might be good if we talk for a moment and get ourselves on the same page?" His expression seemed sincere and if there was anything I knew now it was that I didn't want to be on anyone's bad side. "I've just made tea," he added, noticing my hesitation.

I cast a glance at Ben who seemed just as confused as I was. I turned back to Simon, shrugging my shoulders. "Sure," I said.

Ben placed a gentle hand against my arm. "Do you want me to wait here?"

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