23. The Service

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Groups were beginning to gather across the field, all walking in the same direction. I pushed passed several, trying to follow in the direction I thought Ben had gone.

"Hey, Em!" Lucy called out. 

I whipped my head and saw her jogging over, dodging between a couple holding hands. Her long, dark coat danced behind her body as she hopped with delicate footsteps towards me. 

"Are you coming to the service?" Her eyes brightened. "I can save you a seat if you want?"

I blinked. "Uh, what service? I was looking for Ben. Do you know where he is?"

"The service at the Church," she explained. "Most of the community come along to it... As for Ben, I was just talking to him. I'm sure he's in there already." She gestured a thumb in the direction of the fragile, old building behind us, where the crowds were walking. Bright, stained-glass windows decorated its brickwork and bunches of flowers had been placed near the pale-coloured steps.

I shook my head. "I don't buy into the whole religion thing... No offence."

She laughed, placing a hand on my arm, and I had to force myself not to flinch at the touch. "None taken. I'm not religious either, but it's good for morale... So, what do you say? Will you come?" She gestured to a group of people who were already making their way towards the church.

I hesitated. "I'm not feeling too great actually," I lied. "I think I can feel a migraine coming on."

"Oh," she frowned. "Do you need me to get you anything?"

"No. No don't worry. I'll be alright." I said quickly, backing away. "I just need to lie down." 

I almost turned too fast, tripping over my own feet as I tried to get away. I caught myself in a passing group, not even bothering to apologise before taking off in the opposite direction.


The camp was quieter with everyone inside the Church, and it seemed almost everyone but me had chosen to go along. I had found a quiet patch of flowers by the cliffs and something was calming about the way the wind blew through the trees, pulling the leaves and rustling its branches. Lifting my head, I craned my neck further up to the sky feeling the warmth of the sun on my skin.


I turned and saw Tom approaching.

"Oh, hey," I gave a small smile as he sat down in the patch of grass beside me. "Aren't you going to the service like everyone else? I think it's already started."

"What?" he scowled, turning to look at the Church. "Oh, that shit? No way. I think I can live quite happily without someone telling me that Jesus is somehow going to help me... What about you?"

"Yeah," I exhaled. "I, uh... I think I've gone way past the prayers will save you threshold."

"That's your reason?" he scoffed. "If there is a God, surely he can't be punishing people for that anymore."

"I guess only they know," I shrugged, pointing to the Church. "Do you know if everyone else is in there?"

Tom glanced at the building. "As far as I know... Ben said it would be good for everyone to show their faces. He was looking for you, but I assume he already went inside."

"I thought as much," I grimaced. "I think I'll leave him to it... How are you finding this place anyway?"

He shifted, readjusting the backpack he wore. "It's hard to get used to a place this size when all I've known was Carnelian."

"Were you at Carnelian when Will first set it up?"

"No," he shook his head, readjusting his grip around his legs. "Maybe a month or so after everything happened? I heard rumours of a place taking people in, so I packed up and went."

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