34. You and Me

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The next morning, I left before anyone awoke. 

The morning air was crisp against my skin, and I welcomed the sharpness of it. There was a beauty about Land's End I hadn't yet had the chance to appreciate. Aside from the people and whatever views they had, they'd created somewhere worth living, worth protecting. I couldn't help but feel like I wasn't one of the people who should be protected. 

Picking one of the benches that faced towards the ocean, I sat on the table, resting my feet on the seat. The sunrise had already begun to burn a fiery orange in the sky and the colours were incredible, like a striking match before the flame.

My outburst from the previous day had not gone unnoticed and all I'd been greeted with after was stunned stares throughout the evening. Somehow, I'd managed to avoid Ben though it seemed he'd been caught up with Will and didn't get back to the hotel until late. He'd kissed me on the forehead when I'd pretended to be sleeping but I still couldn't help but feel he was disappointed.

An hour passed alone on the bench before Land's End began waking up. Chatter began to sing from across the field, followed by children's laughter and the low murmur of the trucks. I couldn't bring myself to move. Something was calming about the repetitive motion of the waves against the cliffs and the unrelenting force behind the saltwater. Back and forth, back, and forth. One task and nothing else. I could almost relate.

The bench creaked, the weight shifting from someone else sitting beside me. "I thought I might find you over here," Ben spoke quietly.

I didn't turn to look at him. "Am I that predictable?"

He gave a low chuckle. "Only sometimes." The wind caught his hair, and he smoothed it down with one hand. He still managed to make every movement look effortless.

I exhaled. "I know that you're disappointed-"

"Disappointed?" he scowled. His lips turned upwards, seeming bemused at my comment. "Em, I'm not disappointed."

"I nearly ruined everything yesterday," I pointed out.

"You spoke your opinion," he laughed, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "You didn't ruin anything."

"I just..." I exhaled. "I didn't want to keep hearing all his... bullshit."

Ben rested his elbows against his knees. "You and me both," he laughed. "You should've seen Chris after. He thought you were incredible."

I rolled my eyes. "Really?"

He nodded. "Took the words right from his mouth apparently."

"Glad I impressed someone at least," I shook my head. "I feel so stupid. I should've just kept my damn mouth shut... I bet Lucy is furious."

"I spoke to her this morning actually," he said, closing his hands together.

I grimaced. "And?"

He smirked. "She understands... She even said Simon shouldn't have pushed you. He's not normally like that."

I almost laughed. "Lucky me to have caught him on a bad day."

"It would seem so," Ben agreed.

"How are you and Lucy anyway?" I asked. "Have you addressed the elephant in the room yet?"

He looked out to the sunrise at a bird that fluttered on the horizon. "We've spoken about it," he replied. "And we're both on the same page if that's what you mean," he added, catching my eye. I smirked at the slight tilt of his head. My breath caught as he reached out his hands and took mine, turning to face me. "I want you to know that it's you. It's always you. I can't lose you again... Em, you are without a doubt the-"

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