Part 3: you did what?

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"You did what?" Frank asked, staring into my guilt ridden eyes.

"It just....happened." I muttered, my face turning red.

"'re a fucking moron. You're not a young guy anymore, Gerard. You are 30 fucking years old, bro. You cannot be doing this shit anymore.." I shut my eyes momentarily, feeling like my brain was going to explode. Imagine getting relationship advice from Frank Iero. Fuck man.

"I know, I just...Mikey pointed something out that made me think." I started, pinching the bridge of my nose.


"He...basically told me I abandoned you guys...and the old me wouldn't have done that." I continued, feeling Franks eyes stare into my fucking soul.

"So?! Mikey can't tell his left from his right. Mikey can't even fucking SEE!" Frank groaned.

"The old me wouldn't have done that...especially for some random girl. Ya know...that got me thinking. What if he's right-"

"Gerard. You're fucking joking right?"

"No...what if he's right. Like seriously...think about it."

"You really are fucking moron."

"But Frank-"

"You're lucky Y/N has even graced you with her presence. You're lucky she even LOOKS at you, and you fuck Lindsey? You're absolutely out of your fucking mind. Fuck, sometimes I wish she'd been obsessed with me instead of you."



I leaned over the toilet, feeling my guys spill out of my mouth. This was fucking awful. I'd been sick for hours. I sat back against the bathtub, resting my head in my hand.

"Yo, is anyone here?" I felt myself freeze. There was no way.

"Helloooooo?" I heard a knock on the bathroom door, followed by it opening slowly.

Frank Iero.

Concern filled his face, as he let go of the door handle.

"What's wrong?" He questioned, leaning against the door handle. I glanced up at him, shaking my head.

"Have you seen Gerard?" I asked softly. He nodded slowly, sorrow filling his face.

"I have."

"Where is he?" Frank let out a soft sigh.

"My house." I nodded slightly, letting out a sigh.

"Or...he was. He might have left...we got into a bit of an argument."

"About what, Frank?" I questioned. I felt my stomach tighten. He took a sharp breath, and sat in front of me.

"I'm going to be completely transparent with you. He was with Lindsey last night."

Are you fucking kidding me.

I shut my eyes, shaking my head.

"Frank, you're not serious right?" 

"I'm sorry, Y/N." I felt tears fill my eyes, as I looked across at him. " needed to know. I couldn't...not tell you." 

"At this point, I wish you didn't." Confusion filled his eyes. 


"Because. I'm fucking pregnant." 

".....What." I nodded, and felt a sob escape my lips. Frank paused for a moment, and rested his hand on mine. 

"You'll be fine." He mumbled, a small grin forming across his lips. I shook my head. 

"No...Frank, you don't understand." I'll be fine? I was pregnant and alone. 

"Listen, you have me, and you have Ray. You'll be fine....I'll make sure of it." 


The next few days flew by, partly because I'd been in bed for 20 hours a day. Shit tends to fly when you're sleeping it away. I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that I was pregnant with Gerard Way's baby, and he was cheating on me. It blew. 

My mind was moving a at a thousand miles a minute. What would I I'd have to find my own place, I'd need to find an actual job, a 9-5. Fuck. I'd need to become a responsible, single parent in fucking Jersey of all places. 

I let out a groan, throwing the covers off of myself. I stumbled out of the bedroom, walking down the cold hallway towards the kitchen, where I was greeted by him, seated at the counter. I felt all the blood in my body rush to my head as my eyes widened. 

"Y/N." Gerard said softly, leaning back slightly. 

"You mother fucker." I mumbled, earning a guilty look from Gerard. 

"I didn't mean it." 

"You didn't mean it? You didn't mean it. Oh, I'm so glad and relieved that you didn't MEAN it." 

"Please, you have to understand-" I threw my hand up at him, shutting my eyes. 

"I don't want to hear it, fuck face. I should be apologizing." I stated, letting out a sigh. 

"For what?" 

"Not being Lindsey, since you've gone back to her 20 times. So sorry I'm not Lindsey, so sorry that I'm who the fuck I am, and I'm so fucking sorry that I've clearly been in the way of your perfect fucking relationship with Lindsey. So sorry, Gerard." I squinted my eyes at him, watching him squirm in his seat. 

"It's not like that." He responded, running a hand through his hair. 

"Then what is it." 

"It's just...I don't know. Mikey...pointed something out." I let out a laugh. 

"You listened to Mikey? Mikey Way? The mother fucker who can't even SEE?" (*wink*) 

"Oh come on." He grunted, crossing his arms on the counter. I paused for a moment, and practically ran to the bathroom. I grabbed the test out of the drawer, staring down at it. Fuck it. 

"You want someone to point something out? Huh? Well...HERE YOU GO." I shouted, making my way back out to the kitchen, throwing the test at Gerard. He flinched, staring at me. 

"What the fuck was that?" He snapped, reaching to pick it up off the floor. "What is this?" He questioned, looking over the positive pregnancy test. His eyes shot up at me, widened in surprise. 

"You're pregnant?" 

[929 words] 





this was fun to write

i still <3 Gerard 

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