Part 2: What The Fuck, Bro

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The one thing I didn't like about being back in Jersey was how Mikey was towards me. You'd think he'd be mad about the fact that we left. It makes sense. But he wasn't mad about that.

He was mad at me. No. Mad isn't the word. He was disgusted with me.

When we arrived back to Gerard's house, Mikey wouldn't look at me. And when he did, his eyes could've burned a hole straight through my skull.

"Welcome back, Gee." He gleefully said, giving Gerard a tight squeeze. He looked at me over Gerard's shoulder, his eyes full of hatred. I practically sunk into myself, and looked down at the floor.

"Listen, I'm throwing you a welcome home party." Mikey stated, grinning at Gerard.

"A welcome home party?" Gerard questioned, his eyebrow raised. Mikey nodded.

"Ya know. 'Welcome home, Gee' type shit." Mikey continued, crossing his arms over his chest.

"You mean 'welcome home Gee and Y/N." Gerard corrected, earning a glance from Mikey.

"....yep." I took a slight breath.

"Well I'm going to unpack!" I blurted out, grabbing my bag, heading down the hallway that lead to the bedrooms.



"Mikey, what the fuck?" I asked, slightly confused on his hostility.

"I could be the fact that you left without any warning, and I have a feeling she wanted that." I scratched the side of my head, my eyebrows furrowing together.

"The fuck are you talking about, Mikey. It was a mutual agreement."

"My fucking ass, Gee. You don't just up and leave the state you've lived in for your entire life, ditch your career. The old Gee would've never done that. I'm not stupid."

"Yeah, I think you might be. The old Gee? The old Gee was a sloppy alcoholic, who quite literally would've been dead by now had I not made a change."

"The old Gee wouldn't have put a random girl before his family and band mates." I felt my face go flush, beads of sweat slowly forming across my forehead. I was quite literally speechless.

"You're a fucking asshole, you know that? Sorry I decided to better myself, while you fell to addiction." Let me just add, I'd been in communication with my mother the entire time, and she'd told me Mikey was forming "familiar bad habits". Yeah, maybe it was a low blow, but I didn't really give a shit at that moment.

"Fuck ya, I'm going home."


"The old Gee wouldn't have put a random girl before his family and band mates."

Mikey's statement would not leave my brain. It angered me, but...apart of me couldn't help but agree. I loved the life I'd created with Y/N, I wouldn't want it any other way. The immense guilt of my actions sat in the bottom of my stomach. I literally disappeared from my band, my family, my fans.




He wouldn't talk to me. He'd been avoiding me, as a matter of fact. I wanted to fucking scream. Days had passed since we got back, and he wouldn't talk to me. He wouldn't sleep in our room, he was constantly out of the house. I was completely isolated, and I couldn't change that.

I glanced down at the test, my eyes widening. There is no fuckin way.

I was pregnant. And the baby daddy was avoiding me.

"No no no no." I mumbled, sitting on the edge of the tub. I didn't want a kid, I was mentally a kid my damn self.

I stumbled out into the kitchen, picking up my half-empty carton of cigarettes, and made my way towards the front door. If I was going to go almost three years without cigarettes, I was going to enjoy them one final time.

Fuck. Me.



I know this isn't right. It's actually quite fucked up of me.

"I missed you, Gee." I smiled slightly, wrapping my arm around her shoulders.

"I missed you too, Lynds."

I can explain myself.


No I can't. I fucked up, big time.

Lindsey was a backup plan. She always was. And I needed a backup plan.

"So...what's the plan?" She asked softly, glancing down at my lap. I shrugged.

"Whatever you'd like."

[706 words]


Okay I forgot about Wattpad, and decided today I was rewriting this story.

I legit have the entire thing written out and I fuckin hate it. But I'm rewriting it, around the same story line. But it's not as messy and choppy. Anywho.

Gerard is apparently an asshole scum douche now, who would've guessed.

Love ya peace.

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