Part 9: Scott Pilgrim [GWAY]

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The previous nights events were a blur. It could've been from the liquor I was downing by the cup, or the coke I'd been nonstop ingesting.

All I know is I was full of anger.

After arriving back home from my bender, I spotted the note scribbled on the fridge.

"What the fuck." I mumbled, leaning against the fridge to read the messily written note.

"Fucking bitch." I moaned. She went out without me? I pulled my phone out, dialing Y/N's number.

"Hi." She answered sweetly. Rage filled my bloodstream.

"Where the fuck are you?" I demanded.


"You can call me when you're not shitfaced. You know what, don't call me. I'll call you. Don't fucking call me with your drunk bullshit." She snapped, hanging up on me. I let out a breath.

"Cunt." I whispered, throwing my phone down on the counter. My body was riddled in chills, sweat beads rolling down my face. I fucked up big time, and I knew I'd be facing consequences.


I awoke on the floor of my bathroom, my head pounding.

"Fuuuuuuck." I groaned, lifting myself up slightly. I squinted as the bright lights invaded my eyes, reaching around for my phone. I glanced at it.

"No calls." I mumbled, standing up. I leaned against the sink, shaking my head slightly. I sighed, pulling open the bathroom door, being greeted by an empty liquor bottle laying on the floor.

Nice Gerard, real nice.


I pushed Frank's front door open, spotting him sprawled across the couch.

"Hey, G." He greeted. I threw my hand up.

"Where's my girlfriend." I demanded. Confusion filled his face.

"What?" He questioned.

"Where's. My. Girlfriend." I repeated.

"If you're talking about Y/N, she's sleeping."

" the fuck, Frank? You took her out last night? Did you try to fuck her too?" I snapped, taking a step forward. He shook his head.

"Are you fucking nuts? Dude, I'm allowed to hang out with her, she's my best friend."

"Your best friend? Yeah, alright pal."

"And anyways, you aren't even together. You haven't been, alright?" I chuckled.

"You're a fucking bitch."

"Gerard. Are you crazy? I'm allowed to see her whenever the fuck I want, capeesh?"

"Yeah, well you have no fucking right to steal my girlfriend." I growled. His face dropped slightly.

"Dude, I didn't. We just went out. You're over reacting- hey! You two aren't together!"

"You're trying to steal her, I'm not dumb."

"You're not dumb, you're fucking stupid. You're crazy and stupid."

"Fuck you, I don't want you around her anymore."

"Just because you know you've fucked up in the past, and you KNOW she can do better than your grimy ass. You're afraid."

"I am fucking not afraid. You're pathetic, you can't get your own girlfriend so you try to steal your best friends girlfriend. That's grimy."

"Are you slow? I'm not trying to fucking steal her, Gerard. I'm allowed to hang out with her. Stop being an insecure fuck!"

"You do realize she could leave you- easily, may I add-, and find someone who isn't going to fuck someone else? Who won't cheat on her? I don't know what the fuck you're on, but you need to reevaluate yourself."

"I am the BEST for her." I shouted, my eyes piercing into him. I spotted Y/N, and felt anger fill my body.

"You." I seethed, my eyes narrowing at her. Frank looked at her, and back at me.

"Gerard, get the fuck out." Frank snapped, standing up from the couch.

"Yeah? Make me, short stack."

"Fuck you! Get out of my house!"

"Y/N, you need to come with me." I stated.

"I'll...stay right here." She replied, her voice quivering. I could not fucking believe she was pulling this shit.

"You'll stay here?" I asked, not believing what I'd heard.

"I'm not going anywhere...especially when you're acting like this." Fuck ya then.

"You know what...fine. Suit yourself, bitch."

Big. Fucking. Mistake.

"Bitch?" She asked, earning a nod from me. Was I becoming nervous? Abso-fucking-lutely.

"I'm a bitch? You're going to seriously sit here and call me a bitch? Gerard, have you hit your head? You're going to sit here and call me a bitch? YOU'RE the bitch, you fuckface. I'm not going ANYWHERE with you, and your shit ass attitude." I felt my blood run cold. Fuck me.

"I'm sorry."

"No, fuck you and your apologies. I've had far more than enough of your bullshit, Gerard. Go back to the house."

I paused for a moment, and gave her a nod.

"Fine." I said softly, turning towards the door. Tears freely flowed from my eyes.

I was fucked up.

I needed help.

[787 words]

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