Chapter 8

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What was ahead of me was absolutely breathtaking. The hill ran down for about 300 feet very steeply, and a building, looking brand new, stood a good 150 feet in at the bottom. I ran my eyes along the building, and from what I could tell, it looked like 20 stories. I was absolutely amazed. Well...we all were. Never in our lives have we seen a building like this. We've always been on the arc...and well...its just one whole building together that we can't exactly go out of. Bellamy walked to the very front, and shushed everyone.

"Alright. Everyone settle down." Bellamy waved a few people over to help break down the door. They picked up a fallen tree and smashed the door with it. The glass shattered into a million pieces on the floor and everyone turned their heads. Bellamy cautiously walked through the front door. He turned a hallway and we all waited, hushed voices, to see what happens next. Would someone be inside? Would something pop out? After the incident with the knife, we knew we haven't been alone. He came back around and spoke.

"Alright, it seems fine and free of danger. It looks abandoned. Now what we are going to do, is gather all the things and put them in here." He gestured through the doors. "This I will be our home. For how long, I don't know. It seems stable and safe to me, so I would recommend getting used to it. After you put everything down, go back to camp and get the remaining things. It's about a mile back, so don't go back alone. Bring weapons with you, for the sake of your life. You don't know what's out there. We will have to make several trips if we want to conserve everything. After that, come back and find a place to sleep somewhere in here. Not in the hallways, but in one of the rooms. Tomorrow, we will organize everything and assign places to sleep and discover the whole place. There are probably a lot of supplies, a lot of tools that can help us down here. And I want every single one of them to be found. Understand?" People bobbed their heads in agreement, and some looked tired, some people rolled their eyes; we had about every expression in the books. A large group formed at the doors, and people filed in. A few shouts and screams were let out, most likely from joy, but Bellamy cussed them out and told them to go do what he said. Once almost everyone put their things away and headed for the doors, I put my stuff down and walked to Bellamy.

"Are you going to stay and watch, or..."

"Yeah, I am. Just in case someone isn't doing what they are supposed to do, or is one of the 'survivors' come. Do you want to stay too?" I looked up at him.

"Nah, I think I'm going to help the 100 out. The more things we carry, the less trips we have to make."

"Are you sure? We can explore the place. And do some other things, too. There is a lot to be down. " He looked down and smiled. I blushed. Damn my dirty mind.

"No, I think I'm gonna go. Thanks for the offer, though. I'll be back soon." I started to walk away.

"Be careful, please. You're probably one of the only people that I would care about if you died. And Octavia. That's about it." I smiled and turned back.

"I'll be careful. You be careful too." His lips turned into a smile and he bobbed his head. I turned away and ran to catch up to Monty and Finn, and I smiled to myself as the wind blew my hair and the leaves cracked under my feet.

I sighed. I put some tarps down on the floor and looked around. People all around me were going up the stairs, finding a place to sleep. I finally settled on the fifth floor, due to the little amount of people and the open windows. I spread out a blanket on the floor and used my jacket as a pillow. As soon as my head touched the pillow, I felt my exhausted body slump against the cold ground.

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