chapter 3

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Authors note: Okay, so i am updating a lot, mainly because of no school and because i am in trouble so i cant hang out with friends or do anything. Besides, these chapters are pretty short. I think that with the lengh of these chapters, I can probably get in two chapters a week on  a regular basis. But I REALLY need you guys to comment! Please! I honestly dont know if people are actually reading and looking forward to my story, or starting like the first two pages and then deciding that they dont like my story. C'mon! I need to know your opinions! Well, I'll leave you too it. Enjoy!! 

Everybody hopped out of the ship, excitedly. But no, not me. I stood still and let everyone pass me. I was the last person off the drop ship, but I didn’t care. What I saw was absolutely beautiful. It was like nothing I ever expected. It was so much more. There was so much green, EVERYWHERE! Green trees here, green grass here, green moss here. It was magnificent. And the air! The scent of flowers and trees and happiness surrounded my nose. I finally put one foot in front of the other, and walked out. I leaped off the hard, metal drop ship, and landed on the ground. The ground was uneven, with many sticks and rocks everywhere. I have never felt anything like that before. I spun in a circle and laughed. This is so nice! If only everyone from the Ark can be here with me. My mother, my father, all of us here. I thought happily and then reality struck. Yea right, that will never happen.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a beautiful butterfly. It was dark blue, with a few light blue splotches. It glowed! And in the very back, it was purple. I put my arm out, and it slowly flew to my arm and landed on it. It flapped its wings carelessly. It was so beautiful. Gracefully, it flew off my arm and started to fly away. I started to follow it, but someone tugged my arm.

“And where do you think your going, princess?” I turned around, and Bellamy stood there, holding on to my arm.

“Hey! Bellamy what the hell! Let me go.” I squirmed out of his hands, but he just reached and pulled me closer, holding me harder this time.

“How do you know my name?” A confused, yet determined look spread across his face.

“I’m not stupid, Bellamy. I heard you and Octavia talking.” I started to walk away, trying to relocate the butterfly that Bellamy pulled me away from, but he just followed and continued to tug on my arm.

“You know, I like you. You’re strong-willed.” I turned around when he said this, looking him straight in the eye.

“That’s just another definition for stubborn.” I continued to walk away, hoping that with that comment he would leave me alone.

“Sure, you can say that, I guess. But that’s why I bring it up. You see, you’re like me. I guess you can say I’m strong-willed, or stubborn, too.” I continue walking, but take this as a compliment. At least he has the balls to admit to something like that, because it’s not exactly the best quality to have, I thought.

“And this matters because…?” He caught up to me and with one pull of my arm, he spins me around. This took me as a surprise. Damn he’s strong.

“This matters because…I need a leader. A strong one. One that can make hard decisions, one that isn’t a cry baby, and most importantly, one that is strong-willed. Or stubborn. Whatever you would like to call it, princess.” He looks at his feet, but then continues. “So I want you.”

“And you’re a leader?” I asked him suspiciously. Who does he think he is! Making up the rules like he runs everything around here? “Bellamy, nobody said you’re in charge.”

“Well, I say I’m in charge. They seem to listen to me, don’t they? And they also seem to listen to you. I want you as my second in command.”

“Bellamy, we don’t need this. We are not babies. We don’t need any rules. Hell, we’re teenagers! So will you just back off? Let us do what we want!” He looked down, disappointed, but then came back up and looked me straight in the eye.

“Whatever you say princess.” The corners of his mouth turned into a crooked smile, one which I thought was beautiful. He turned and walked away, and I stood there staring at his back. I finally turned and walked away. I had lost the butterfly when I was in conversation with Bellamy, but I just looked around. All of this settled in. I’m really on Earth! In the corner of my eye, I spotted a big, green bush with beautiful red flowers. I almost ran to them. I’ve read about these flowers…roses, I believe? I pulled on from its stem, and examined it. It’s beautiful!

“Pretty, huh?” I dropped the flower, and spun on my heels. A wave of relief washed over me when I realize it was only Finn. I picked up the flower and gave it to him, then picked up another one myself.

“Their beautiful.”

“Ow!” I glanced his way, wondering why he yelled. He was staring at his finger, his face very close. “Drop the flower! It has something pokey on it…uh…” He looked up at me, with a puzzled look on his face. I laid the flower on the bush, and walked towards him.

“Clark.” I smiled at him. Then I took his hand and examined it carefully. On his left index finger, a thorn was stuck in it. “Their called thorns. All roses have them.” I pulled it out of his finger, and he winced. “Sorry. You have to be careful. These could be dangerous. They could be poisonous.” I dropped his hand, and walked back to the bush were I left the flower I was holding. Carefully, without touching a thorn, I picked it up and pulled it to my nose. It smelled…different. Nothing like I’ve ever smelled before. Its scent was…fresh.

“So what’s the deal with you, princess?” I dropped the flower from my nose.

“What’s the deal with everyone calling me princess?” I asked him. He shrugged.

“It suits you. And who else has called you princess, princess? That’s my thing.”

“Bellamy did.”

“Oh. Well, like I said before, it suits you. So, what are you doing out here, Clarke? It’s not safe.”

“Oh, you know, just hunting elephants.” I rolled my eyes and looked away. Boys could be so stupid sometimes.

“There are no elephants here.” I faced towards him and gave him a face like if he was retarded.

“I was being sarcastic, if you didn’t notice.”

“Yeah, I noticed. I was being sarcastic too. Their might be elephants.” He smirked. Again, I rolled my eyes and I crossed my arms. He obviously enjoys annoying me, I thought. Like Bellamy. They both do. Suddenly, a piercing girl scream was let out. Not a scream of laughing, or having fun and pretending, no. This was a legitimate scream of help. Again, we heard it. This time, it was followed by a “Help!” and another scream.

“What was that?” Finn asked, looking puzzled.

“I don’t know. But it didn’t sound good.”

“Um…I think we should head back.”

“Yeah,” I replied, suddenly terrified. “I think that’s a good idea.” We both ran off into a sprint, the way back to where we can from.

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