Undercover Lolita (11)

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      "Yaaaaay!! Wasn't that cute?!" Lola gushed. She then brandished the needle in her parasol at the others. "Noooow...who's next?" Kokichi, Himiko, and the other girls looked at Lola in horror as they slowly backed away from her.

   "W-Why are you doing this?!" Himiko demanded. "You're...k-killing people!!"

    "But, you already know why," Lola said, as she advanced closer towards the group like a lioness closing in on her prey. "When I said I wanted to make Lolita Land a reality, I meant it!!!" Cackling wildly, Lola then sprinted at the group. 

   "RUN!!" Kokichi shouted. They all parted in time just as Lola swung her parasol to jab at someone. They were running around, screaming their heads off as Lola chased them. 

   "Kokichi...what do we do?!" Himiko frantically whispered to Kokichi. Kokichi didn't answer right away. Instead, he led Himiko to the pink lemonade fountain and crouched behind it. They peeked over the edge to see Lola terrorizing and chasing the other girls. "Kokichi, we need to think of something fast!" Himiko urged.

   "I know, Himiko," Kokichi muttered impatiently as he concentrated hard. "I don't know how long the other girls will last running away from Lola. And, I need to get them and us out of here alive. To do that, I'm gonna have to take Lola's parasol away from her."

    "Nyeh...I can distract her for you!" Himiko offered. Kokichi turned to her and looked her in the eye.

   "No," he replied firmly. "I'm not putting you in danger, Himiko."

   "Kokichi, we're already in danger," Himiko pointed out desperately. "And the others need our help!"

    "I don't...care!" Kokichi insisted. "I'm not...going to put your life at risk for everyone else's, Himiko!" Himiko gasped softly. 

    "Kokichi..." she whispered. Kokichi turned away from her and hung his head.

   "I...I don't want to lose you," he murmured. 

    "Oh, Kokichi..." Himiko whispered again as she gently grabbed his hand. Kokichi looked at her and their eyes locked. He leaned forward to kiss her. 

   "Awww...is this lolita love I see?" Lola asked, suddenly appearing at their side and brandishing the needle at them. Kokichi and Himiko gasped in horror. "I just couldn't help but overhear your little love story, which I think is suuuuper cute! Heeheee...tooooo bad you're gonna have to die! But, don't worry! I'll make sure you two are together forever when you become my dollies!" She lifted her parasol high above her head before swinging it down. Kokichi grabbed Himiko and pulled her out of the way in time to avoid the needle. He pulled her back out into the large, open room. They noticed that the other girls were gone. What happened to them? Kokichi's thoughts were interrupted, however, when his feet suddenly gave way underneath him. Uttering out a cry of surprise, he let go of Himiko's hand as he slipped across the floor and fell. He looked at the object that had caused him to fall and saw that it was Lola's tiara. Lola must have thrown it at them while they were running. When Kokichi looked back up, he gasped in terror at what he saw. There, right underneath the glow of the massive chandelier was Lola holding a frightened Himiko, gripping her wrists tightly with one hand while holding the needle next to Himiko's neck with her other. 

    "HIMIKO!!!" Kokichi shrieked in desperation. He stood up to run to her, but Lola held the needle closer to Himiko's neck, stopping Kokichi dead in his tracks. He had never felt so powerless in his life as he watched death draw ever so nearer to his girlfriend. For the first time in his life, he felt helpless, powerless, as if his life were about to crumble at any moment. His vision became blurry, and his whole body began to quake. But, no matter how terrified he felt, he  forced himself to remain calm, for Himiko's sake. Her eyes full of desperation and fear were pleading for Kokichi to rescue her, which meant that he needed to use every ounce of brainpower he had to save her life. 

   "Not one step closer, lover lolita!" Lola said, smirking evilly at Kokichi. "One more step, and she tooootally gets it! Heehee!"

   "Kokichi..." Himiko uttered with shaky breaths as tears streamed from her eyes. Kokichi racked his brain furiously. How in the world was he going to get Himiko out of this situation? He suddenly became frustrated with himself. How hard was it to rescue Himiko from a little girl who was obsessed with cute things?! Cute things? Cute things! Kokichi suddenly remembered something. A secret weapon he had! Feeling hope returning at full blast, he gave Lola a smirk of his own in return. He wasn't completely confident his plan would work, but he had to try...for Himiko. 

   "You said you like cute things, riiiight, Lola?" he asked. Lola blinked and lifted her head slightly, like a curious puppy. Her interest had been piqued!

   "I love cute things!" she replied. "Why?"

   "I know something that would make Lolita Land way cuter!" Kokichi said. "Something that everyone loves...besides lolitas, that is!"

   "I'm listeniiiing," Lola murmured curiously. Kokichi reached behind him and revealed the plush unicorn that Mikan had given him. Lola gasped with delight, her eyes sparkling like they would on Christmas morning. "Unicoooorrrrrnnnnn!!!" she breathed in awe. 

   "So, whaddya say?" Kokichi asked. "You want it?"

   "Yes! Yes! Yes, I want the unicorn!" Lola exclaimed. 

   "Okay, then...TAKE IT!!!" With all his might, Kokichi launched the unicorn right at Lola's face, knocking her backwards, and causing her to release Himiko from her grasp. Kokichi ran towards Himiko and pulled her up and away from Lola, taking the parasol with him, as well. They ran up the spiral staircase, expecting to be chased by Lola. Lola, however, didn't notice. Kokichi and Himiko paused in the middle of the stairs and watched Lola as she sat under the chandelier, hugging the unicorn. 

    "Get ready..." they heard a voice from the second floor call out. They ran up to the second floor to see who had spoken. When they reached the top, they saw that Gizmo had taken her belt off, and was holding the middle part of it while Dark Lady and Cutie Pie were holding the ends. They were using the belt as a makeshift slingshot! In the middle of the belt, was small pocketknife that Army Brat had been carrying. Kokichi's eyes panned from the slingshot to where the girls were aiming it at. His eyes widened with fear as he realized they were aiming the knife at the wire holding up the enormous chandelier. 

    "DON'T!!!" Kokichi shouted, but it was too late.

   "NOW!!" Army Brat shrieked. Gizmo released the pocketknife, which sent it hurtling through the air towards the wire. Just like they wanted, the knife cut through the wire. Everyone heard a snapping sound as the wire cut and the chandelier was released. Time seemed to slow down as Kokichi shielded Himiko's eyes and watched in horror with his own eyes as Lola met her gruesome demise. 

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