Fast and Feisty: Drifting In Tokyo (15)

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   The stream of racers took their places at the starting line, waiting for the light to turn green. Shun drove up next to Kiki, giving her a nasty smile. 

   "Hey, girl! Shouldn't you be in the kitchen learning how to cook?" he spat. 

   "The name is Kiki," Kiki corrected before giving him a smirk. "And, sure, I'll cook somethin' up for ya. Hope you like piping hot defeat with a side of humiliation, fart breath, cuz that's what you'll be eating along with your words! Mwa-hahahahahaaa!" Shun glared at her and shifted uncomfortably in his seat. While Kiki turned her attention back to the lights, Shun held his hand up to his mouth and breathed into it. He sniffed and shuddered with disgust. The lights up above changed from red, to yellow, and then to green, and the racers were off. 

   "The race has finally commenced," Gundham said. 

   "Yeah...I hope she can hold up for fifteen laps," Kazuichi said, nervously pulling down on his beanie. 

   "She sure as hell can! Li'l chick's got a lotta fightin' spirit!" Mondo said. Kiki eased on the gas, slowly pulling ahead. But, Shun expertly swerved his way through the other racers, and sped ahead of Kiki. He pulled right in front of her, forcing her to brake and slow down, allowing the other racers to pull ahead.

   "Nyeh!! That little jerk!!" Himiko screeched.

   "Yeah! He totally did that on purpose!" Kazuichi shouted. 

   "Is he even allowed to do that?!" Kaito said. Kokichi remained quiet, his eyes glued to the screen with intense focus. Kiki tried swerving around Shun's kart, but Shun kept blocking her every move.

    "Ha-haaa...I'm not letting you pass, little girl!" he taunted. The other racers were pulling ahead, leaving Kiki and Shun behind. "I'll keep blocking you until the final lap, and then I'll pull ahead of everyone else!"

   "Are you kidding me right now?!" Kiki muttered under her breath incredulously. Suddenly, Shun's kart was shoved out of the way by another kart, allowing Kiki some room to pull ahead. She could see that it was Mullet as she drove by. He gave her a salute, and she saluted gratefully in return before speeding ahead.

     "COME ON, CHIBI-KICHI!!!" Kokichi shouted, suddenly coming to life and startling Himiko. 

     "Huh...that Mullet kid definitely has a thing for her," Fuyuhiko said with a smile. 

   "GET OFF OF MY KART!!!" Shun screamed angrily at Mullet. Mullet pulled away, then sped ahead. Shun let out a frustrated yell as he jammed down on the gas. Kiki wove her way through the other racers towards the front of the line as they neared the first curve. She began to pick up speed.

   "Why is she speeding up?! She should be slowin' down!" Kaito shouted.

   "She's trying to drift!" Kokichi yelled in a panic, grabbing onto Himiko's shoulders while keeping his eyes on the screen. "Don't do it, Kiki!!" 

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