Passion Point (End)

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    "You brought us here to Passion Point?" Maki asked. She looked around at a few other parked cars around them. She could make out a few huddled silhouettes in some of them. "Why?"

   "'s the most romantic spot in town for teenagers!" Kaito replied. "I mean, just look at that view!" Maki looked in front of her. She could see the town below, and the sun slowly lowering in the pinkish-orange sky as the afternoon turned to evening. Maki had to admit it was a spectacular view. She didn't consider Passion Point the most romantic spot in town, but she appreciated that Kaito was trying. 

   "Well, it is nice up here, I guess," Maki admitted as her cheeks turned slightly pink. Kaito cleared his throat awkwardly. His hands slightly shook as he reached into the pocket of his jacket. He pulled out a small rectangular case. 

   "Uh...Maki Roll?" he said, trying to sound confident as he opened the case. He pulled out a necklace with an amethyst in the middle . "I got this for you." Maki uttered a soft gasp.

   "It has an amethyst on it," she said.

   "Yup! Your birthstone!" Kaito replied. 

   "Awww...he got her a necklace with her birthstone," Himiko whispered quietly to Kokichi. 

   "Pffft...just wait. In a few days, her neck's gonna turn green," Kokichi whispered back. Himiko giggled and gave him a playful shove.

    "Can I put it on you?" Kaito asked. 

   "Um...sure," Maki said, her blush deepening. Kaito wound his hands around Maki's neck, clasping the necklace onto it. Maki held the amethyst part in her hand, admiring the purplish gem. She looked up at Kaito. "How do I look?"

   "You look better than space itself!" Kaito said. "And that's sayin' somethin,' Maki Roll!" Maki giggled bashfully, then gazed adoringly at Kaito. Kaito smiled back at her, then slowly leaned towards her.

   "It got quiet up there," Himiko whispered frantically to Kokichi. "Do you think they're kissing? Or doing...the Electrical Waltz?! "

    "If they are, that's my cue!" Kokichi said, typing on his phone. Kaito's phone hummed, indicating that he received a text message. 

    "Dammit," he muttered to himself, pulling his phone out. 

   "Who is it?" Maki asked. 

   KOKICHI: Heeeeey, Kaito!

   Kaito scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Kokichi," he growled in annoyance. 


   Kaito put his phone back and turned back to Maki. "That's taken care of."

   "What did Kokichi want?" Maki asked.

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 4 (The Oumeno Menace)Where stories live. Discover now