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The woman came into Vivian's saloon. She was dressed in the height of current Collins fashion. That being jeans, boots, and a chambray shirt. Stephanie's distaste for female fashion on this world had spread like wildfire through the city. A dress and petticoats was almost a non-existent wardrobe and when it was worn was a conscious choice by the wearer. There was no social pressure to wear that sort of outfit any longer. If anything, it was the opposite. A dress was a very literal 'dress-up' occasion. Not that Stephanie or for that matter Silena would wear a dress for a party either.

Not even Ava wore dresses like she had when Stephanie and Le first met her.

The new entrant to Vivian's stopped, let her eyes adjust to the dimmer light and looked around. Spotting Bob, Ava, Silena, Tasha, Stephanie, and Le at a table she crossed to them.

"Ava?" She interrupted politely.

"Yes, Nicole? What can I do for you?" Ava asked.

"You know how all them witches are flying around all over the place? Hanging out around them tower things?" Nicole made a twirling finger motion.

"Yes. Of course, Nicole. What about them? Are they doing something new?"

"Not up in the sky, no. Looks about the same up there. Now there are three Witches down by the Ward wall. The one near the baseball park. South Road. Wanting to talk to you. They can't get in cuz... You know. Your Ward stops them and all that."

"Thank you, dear. I'll go see what they want immediately." Ava smiled at the understandably nervous woman.

"It's like that road has become the greeting area for everyone that can't get past the Ward." Silena commented as they stood to leave.

"Makes sense I guess. You ask someone out there in the world where you ring the Collins doorbell. They say 'Last time I was there I went by the ballpark. Near where the Temple used to be." Stephanie replied. "Going to be famous. Where Brianna was shot. Where the Guild got their ass handed to them."

"It's a wide open space right there, too." Le noted.

"Not counting the nearby cover for assassins to hide in." Silena grinned.

"I was not counting that. True." Lee said.

"First time I ever killed anyone. Even if they were shooting back I am trying to forget it." Stephanie said.

"So are they." Tasha said.

Silena placed a very gentle hand on Stephanie's shoulder as they moved out of the bar. "I know it won't mean anything coming from me, Stephy, but I am glad to see you are made of the kind of stuff that will kill when needed. I know I grew up in a world that just accepts killing as 'business' but defending yourself or a friend and not hesitating? I was and am impressed."

Stephanie gave Silena a grimace that somehow also bordered on a smile. "I will always defend mine. I just don't have to like it."

"No, you don't. I hope you don't think Tasha and I enjoyed all that killing either."

"No, Silena. I don't. If I thought you did I would not have agreed to be your parole officer or let you anywhere near my husband day in and day out."

"She even defends me. I am perfectly capable of defending myself these days.' Le complained.

The group climbed aboard a wagon. Normally horse-drawn, Ava magically propelled it down the road.

"We need to figure out batteries better so we can make electric carts this big." Le said as an aside to Silena as they rolled off the brick portion of the city road and onto the packed earth.

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