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Many of you believed that writing poems or other literary piece is as hard as your monthly exam but nope, It's as easy as counting 123, only, only if you can pour your emotions out. But well, there are those who were born with such talent that can write any outstanding poems with closed eyes. They're great but that doesn't mean you can't be proud with your craft.

I'm not as great as Shakespeare but atleast I have some works that I could be proud of, well sort of proud. Hey, it won't hurt sharing some of my poems right? I have all this in store ever since I can remember and now, i found the courage to post it.

I don't follow any of those styles written on textbooks, just so you know. I love my way and I love Free verses. I don't care how long or how short it is, when I say it is a poem. It is a poem. Anyway, this is everything I had pour my heart out, so this is not just a collection of poems, there can also be some song lyrics, essays and short stories but I'll put marks on it for you to know. I hope you enjoy reading this and thank you for sparing your time reading this stuffs.

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