Just Like The Stars

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All the stars tonight, becomes you in my sight.
Every nook and cranny was drawn in the night
The more I look, the more I dangerously drown
The more it took a part of me that was never known

As they glimmer and flicker, my heart grew dimmer
As they sparkle and twinkle, your image still linger
You're just like the stars, so far yet I cannot deny.
You've shone brightly while I dream of you nightly.

The stars in the night looks like gems in the sky.
Precious, bewitching, unreachable, and so sly.
Towards its splendor my heart feels at lost.
For a brilliant flame, attracts moths the most.

I desire to touch you and for your hands to clasp.
But to be able to reach you is not within my grasp.
I took a step, you took yours more than just a stride.
Just like the stars, I'm miles away from your side.

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