In Words She Speaks

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I failed my heart a million times,

For my words are sharper than my mind.

I can no longer see the world as it is now.

For the love so dull, I've come to know how.

My world, my self

all written in this classic yet clumsy poetry

All have been caged in years of solit'ry.

A painful truth she hopes to break her free,

Hence, these words are mine yet not

A millennium in the old she dwells,

For the past ought to know her well.

Feelings are caged yet expressed,

In letters, she delves unoppressed.

Her freedom is her words,

As sharp as a forged sword.

Long before blood spills,

What she speaks kills.

I know for a fact that women,

bared no teeth in battles won by men.

When swords clashed, prides are in line

Death spikes in fierce war won by none.

In the old, a woman is to be seated in the corner,

And watch the lives of men flow like a bloody Nile.

Yet the woman now, as we speak,

Have been driven to reach her peak.

Gone was the woman in gentlemen's dream,

Gone was the damsel in distress theme

For changes happens for as far as it's seen.

And like all battles, someone shall fall,

And I lost the man I devoted my all.

Death by sword what likely it is called,

For I have spoken the most painful chord.

Again, These were my words yet not,

I speak to all and I speak for all.

These were my feelings yet not,

I felt it here, have it reach there?

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