Everyday pain

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Every day, I can't stop thinking about you. It feels like I'm stuck in a dream that won't go away. There's this weird sadness—a constant pain that won't go away. Even though I'm awake, my mind goes to a place where you're close but not really here. In that dream, I can still hear your laughter and feel the warmth, but when I wake up, it is painful. The only way I can have you now is in my dreams.

Dreaming of you with my eyes wide open felt weird, and it hurts so much. In those moments, memories of us floated around in my head, like pictures that made me remember your laughs and how nice it felt when you were beside me. The world seemed kind of dull without you, like all the colours faded away when you left.

Every night, my mind fooled me, making me see you so clearly, almost like you were right there with me. It was like time stopped in those dreams, and for a short time, I could almost believe that you were still beside me. But then morning came, and everything fell apart, leaving me alone with the emptiness.

The burden stuck with me all day long—a heavy feeling hiding behind my face. It was strange to carry the weight of your not being there while everyone else went about their business. Walking through crowds, I couldn't shake off the sadness from the good times we had.

But the worst part is that that dream is all I have left of you. Those memories when I'm not fully awake, when it feels like you're really there with me, are like a lifetime. Your eyes are sparkling, and your laughter has become everything. Yet, as reality comes back, I'm left with the cold truth that you're gone.

Every day feels like forever, like I'm stuck in a never-ending loop of missing you. I hold onto memories like they're the only thing that keeps me going, replying to them over and over again. Your absence is like a heavy weight that never goes away. a reminder that I'm in a world where you're not around me anymore.

and the pain is in the little things, like seeing your favourite book on the shelf or hearing a song that used to make you smile. It's in the quiet moments when I expect you to walk through the door, but you never do. It was in the way everything changed, and I was left trying to make sense of a world that feels so different without you in it.

So, I keep dreaming of you even when I'm wide awake, caught in a cycle of wishing you were here. Those dreams, even though they are short, are a safe place where you still exist, where time hasn't taken you away. But when I open my eyes to another day without you, the hurt gets worse, and the cruellest thing hits me: the dream is all I have left of you, and even that slips away with the morning light.

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