It was never enough

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We tried, didn't we? We fought, didn't we? but we still ended up like this.

It was like we were both holding onto a rope, pulling with all our might, but the rope just kept slipping through our fingers, and now it's gone.

Remember how we used to look into each other's eyes and see the future? It felt like we were building something beautiful, brick by brick. But somewhere along the way, those bricks turned into walls, and those walls became barriers between us.

I can't forget the late-night arguments, the tears, and the silence that followed. It felt like we were drowning in a sea of our own misunderstandings, gasping for air but unable to reach the surface. I would give anything to go back to those moments and just hold you, tell you that I love you, and mean it more than anything else in the world.

And then there were the times when we tried to patch things up. We would apologise and promise to change, and for a while, it felt like we were making progress. But it was like trying to fix a shattered mirror—no matter how hard we tried, the cracks remained, distorting our reflection until we didn't recognise ourselves anymore.

The days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, and we became strangers living under the same roof. We stopped talking about our dreams and desires, and our conversations became dull and lifeless. We were trapped in a cycle of hurt and disappointment, and it seemed like the more we tried to escape, the tighter the grip of desire became.

Now, here we are, saying goodbye. I wish I could say it was not painful, but it is. It is more painful than I can put into simple words. It feels like a piece of my heart is being torn away, leaving an empty, aching emptiness. We tried and fought, but it wasn't enough to save us.

As I walk away, I can't help but wonder if I will ever find happiness again, separately, in different lives. I hope you find the love and happiness you deserve, and maybe someday I will find mine too. But for now, all I can do is look back and remember the love we once had and the pain of letting it all go.

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