Losing you

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I never thought much about losing things. I lost my car keys, my favourite pen, and even a few pounds. But losing you? That's a whole different story.

You were like my sunshine, the one who made ordinary moments feel like the golden hours. It was then I thought, "This is it. This is what happiness feels like."

But I never thought much about what happens if you're not around anymore because having you by my side is all I've ever known. It's like the sun forgetting to rise and me stuck in a never-ending  night. I don't want to lose you because losing you means losing the only happiness I knew.

You're like the warmth in my heart, the giggles in my laughter, and the reason why I wake up smiling every morning. But now, I can't help but think about a life without you. It's like trying to imagine a world without colours or a song without a melody - just empty and sad.

I don't want to lose you, and I'm scared to lose you. But it's starting to feel like the storm clouds are gathering overhead, and there's no shelter in sight. It's like watching my favourite flower starting to wither away, and no matter how much I water it with my tears, it just keeps fading into the darkness.

I don't know how to face tomorrow without your goofy jokes, and that spark in your eyes that lights up my world. It's like standing on the edge of a cliff, knowing that one step forward means falling into an endless abyss of loneliness. I'm scared-more scared than I've ever been my whole life.

I don't want to lose you because losing you means the only happiness I knew. It's like trying to hold on to the time that keeps ticking and disappearing from my eyes-the harder I try to stop it and hold onto it, the more I watch you fade away, and there's nothing I can do to stop it.

So here I am. Alone in the silence of what used to be laughter, feeling the ache deep in my chest. I don't want to lose you, but it's like watching the best part of me crumble, and I can't do a damn thing about it.

Is it too late now to say, " Please don't leave?" Don't let me face tomorrow without you. Because losing you means losing the only happiness I know, and I'm not sure how to survive in a world that has lost its colour.

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