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You were the friend I fell in love with, and in daring to risk it all, I lost both the love and the friend. leaving me behind only the echoes of what could have been.

Once, amidst the gentle chaos of life, I stumbled upon a soul that felt like a haven. You know, the kind of connection that's supposed to be just a friendship, a simple thread woven into the tapestry of existence. It was you—the sunlight dancing in your laughter, the calm in your voice, the way your eyes held stories. It all seemed so serene and natural.

Days became a canvas splattered with shared smiles, conversations that could stretch into eternity, and the moments that etched themselves into the corners of my heart. I thought I was navigating the tranquil waters of friendship, guided by stars that promised nothing but comfort. Yet, as we continued to wade through life's meandering paths, I found myself slipping. The line between what was supposed to be and what had become began to blur, like sand slipping through careless fingers.

Love is a fickle thing, isn't it? It tiptoes into your heart like a whisper, but it doesn't always announce its arrival. It sneaked into my being, planting seeds for emotions I hadn't intended to sow. It grew into a garden of roses and thorns, each petal a reminder of my vulnerability, and each thorn a warning of the impending heartache. It was love that grew quietly, unnoticed, until it had woven itself so deeply into my soul that extricating it would tear myself apart.

I never meant for this to happen. I never intended for our laughter to be this soundtrack of dreams or for your gaze to become my sanctuary. I tried to reason with myself and to paint my heart's desires in the colour of friendship. But love doesn't follow the rules; it's a wild creature that refuses to be tamed.

And so, armed with both trepidation and courage, I took that leap. I confessed my feelings, allowing my heart to dance on the precipice of hope and despair. But, alas, like can be the cruelest storyteller. Your words, as soft as they were, drew lines of distance between us. The universe conspired to paint my world with hues of rejection, and our connection, which once felt like gravity itself, dissolved like mist in the morning sun.

The ache that followed was like a storm—relentless and unforgiving. It wasn't just a loss of love—a love that had never truly bloomed—but the shattering of a bond that was my safe place. The conversations turned into awkward silences, the shared smiles became a distant memory, and the person who was my solace became a stranger.

regrets; they cling to the heart like shadows, refusing to let go. regret for letting my heart wander into forbidden territory and for not being content with the beautiful friendship we had. Regret for not being able to rewind time and erase the words that changed everything.

So, here I stand, at the crossroads of what could have been and what it now is, a heart heavy with the weight of unspoken words and unfulfilled dreams. A heart mourning not just of an unrequited love but of a friendship lost. The pain is a symphony of what-ifs and what-could-have-beens, playing on repeat in the chambers of my soul.

As I bid adieu to the chapter that was ''us'', I carry with me the bittersweet lessons of a love that was never meant to be. Life has an uncanny way of teaching us the hardest truths, and this is mine: sometimes, in the pursuit of turning a friend into a love, we risk turning a love into a stranger.

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