(Chapter 2) Dreams are messages from the deep

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Meia takes one look at me and shakes her head, knowing that mine wasn't in the lesson

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Meia takes one look at me and shakes her head, knowing that mine wasn't in the lesson.

"What has he done this time?" She sighs, already exhausted.

I take my seat on the mat across from her and lift a brow, "why do you assume it was something he did?"

"It's always something he does," she rolls her eyes.

Meia Monteclu is my teacher from the Bene Gesserit Order and the closest figure to a mother, which is why I took her last name not having any for myself. She's all I could remember growing up, aside from Jessica, teaching me the ways of a woman.


Thinking of her brings me back to my sulky mood. She knew, about me and my mission.

For some reason, it isn't that much of a surprise to me that she knows and I keep thinking that officers will storm the room to take me away but it never comes; just to show how much she trusts she has in me.

The trust that I would do the right thing, but what is the 'right' thing? How could I know if I was only taught one path?

All I have is this turmoil inside that ravaged on, constantly twisting and turning because I didn't know what to do. Jessica's trust is something I don't deserve.

"It's nothing he did this time," I answer.

Meia gives me a look that says she doesn't believe me but that's the end of the conversation. I thought she'd continued my lesson from yesterday but today we go back to the ways of the body, something that I learned the day before.

I could never be sure what to expect in my lessons as they changed to something different every day and I believed that in itself was a lesson as well, to not get too confident in knowing and adapting to the unexpected.

It keeps me humble in a way.

Lessons went up to three hours long as we focused on prana-bindu, control over the nerve muscles. I work on knowing when and how to control mines, which would help me understand and manipulate others; and I say manipulate because that's what we do.

The Bene Gesserit Order is a Sisterhood of manipulators with the illusion that they are a paragon of religious beliefs when really, we were spies on our own mission, a mission I recently learned of on my visit to the Reverend Mother.

By the time we finished up, Paul was waiting for me outside the room, standing against the wall. He's dressed in his ceremonial uniform which is such a dark green it borders on black. There are subtle gold pipings around the wrist of his coat, the house symbol on the stand-up collar and a gold aiguillette chain hanging from his right shoulder running across his right side chest.

He looks up as I exit and immediately, his distress seeps beneath my skin, like ants in my clothes - so hard to ignore.

"What's wrong with you?" I blurt out before I reach him because this wasn't there this morning.

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