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Camp Half Blood

Thalia Grace was scared out of her mind, and in her defense, she was pretty sure that no demigod, or child fostered between a Greek God and a mortal, would want to be in her position right now. She was alone on top of a hill, with an army of monsters led by the three Furies, spirits of vengeance who served the God of the Underworld Hades, bearing down on her, that included many hellhounds, but also some other monsters as well. She was only fifteen years old, but here she was, pulling what could be considered basically a suicide action.

Her companions, a satyr named Grover Underwood, a young child of Athena named Annabeth Chase, and her close friend, the son of Hermes named Luke Castellan, were already booking it over the far side, despite Luke's pleas. Thalia stood at the ready, dagger in hand, knowing that she was likely going to die, but willing to buy time nevertheless.

Miles to the west, above New York City, in a place called Olympus, the sounds of frustration and arguing could be heard billowing from it, the proverbial trouble in paradise. Zeus, the King of the Greek Gods, was arguing fiercely with his older brother Hades. This whole thing that would apparently result in Zeus' daughter' sacrificial death had started when Hades had discovered that Thalia existed, and in his anger and shock at his brother's hypocrisy and that he had broken the oath that he, Zeus, and their brother, the God of the Sea Poseidon, had sworn in the aftermath of WWII not to sire any more demigod children with mortals, he had sent that swarm of monsters to kill her, not caring that he would kill Luke, Annabeth, and Grover too, despite the pleadings of some of the other gods, with the most desperate including Annabeth's mother, the Goddess of Wisdom Athena, and Luke's father, the herald of the Gods Hermes respectively.

"You idiot!" Zeus bellowed, shaking his brother by the collar. "Do you really want to start a war?!"

"You broke the oath, Zeus.." Hades said sternly. "This is what you deserve for breaking it. Plus, you can't help her directly since it isn't allowed."

Zeus slumped back into his seat after letting go of his brother, moaning because he knew it was true. He couldn't intervene directly to aid his daughter, so all he could do was watch much to his displeasure, staring at the hologram showing his daughter on the hill and the horde of monsters closing in on her.

Hermes was looking at a different hologram showing his son Luke desperately pleading with Chiron and Dionysus, the activities director and camp director respectively at Camp Half Blood, to have some demigods go out to save Thalia, but to no avail. Hermes clenched his hands into fists as he sat there in his throne, wanting to help his son right now. He wished he could help him, but since he couldn't, he was wondering if there was any way this wouldn't end in the way he knew it would.

Hades smirked, not because he was an arrogant bastard, no.. he smirked because this would be a message to Zeus and Poseidon, forcing them to uphold the oath. The Big Three, as they were known, would not sire any more children, not while he was at it.

Unbeknownst to everyone, a pair of blue eyes had been watching from a distance, a shadowy human sized figure in the darkness of the night. The figure knew it was time to intervene, so the eyes closed. When they opened again about half a minute later, they were now something far larger, larger than even any of the monsters approaching Thalia.

Thalia braced herself for what was about to happen. And then..


The ground shook, both at Camp Half Blood, and at Olympus itself.

Thalia's heart skipped a beat, the Gods went quiet, the Demigods and Chiron went silent, and the monsters, even the Furies themselves, just froze and went silent, wondering just what in the world had made that noise.


There it was again, audible for all to hear, even in Tartarus this time, causing the primordial Tartarus himself and the imprisoned Titans there to freeze up with fear, but they, like the Titans' mother Gaea and the other primordials, knew full well what the sound was, and more importantly, what was making it. Tartarus knew full well that Ouranos' ex-wife was probably crapping herself in godly fashion right now.

From inside Mount St. Helens, Typhon who was the father of all monsters, stirred in his sleep and imprisoned, forced slumber.

Ah, my creations, the Titan thought to itself. So you have finally started to awaken in this modern age..

"What the underworld-?" Hades said, stunned at this unexpected turn of events. The hologram the Gods were using to watch this whole thing now moved away from Thalia, moving towards the source of the sound as the thunderous footsteps were coming from, as the noise continued to sound. When they found it, nobody could believe what they were seeing.


Zeus' eyes went wide as saucers when the hologram located what had caused that noise, courtesy of a lightning strike coming out of his frustration over his inability to help his daughter directly. It showed an enormous foot, all dark green and scaly from the looks of it, belonging to something that definitely wasn't human or belonging to any of the monsters coming after his daughter and her companions.

"W-w-what.. is that?" squeaked the King of the Gods, stuttering a bit as he could not even believe what he was even seeing.

Hades went from smirking to downright worried in an instant. Athena was at a loss, the Goddess of Wisdom unable to comprehend what she was seeing as well, and for Hermes.. while it wasn't what he had in mind, a small smile crossed his face. Despite having nothing to do with what was making that noise, he couldn't help but feel confident for the first time that his son wouldn't have to lose Thalia.

Luke, seems like Christmas has come early for you buddy..

That smile soon disappeared as the hologram panned upward, revealing the rest of what was making those footsteps. By now, those at Camp Half Blood and the monster horde approaching Thalia had also found where the noise were coming from and could only look up in fear, surprise, and shock at what they were seeing. Chiron, in particular, was horrified because being a descendant of Kronos, he had enough knowledge of the Titans' past to know exactly what it was, despite the mere existence of what it was being cast aside as a mere myth by the Gods back then.

Thalia, by now, noticed the monsters looking upward, past her. At first, she thought it was because maybe Luke had managed to get help, but as the deep thuds got closer and closer, she realized the cold, hard truth.

There's something far bigger, more terrifying than these monsters behind me, isn't there?

To be fair, she had heard these thuds before, after the explosion of Halcyon Green's mansion back in Richmond. After getting a good distance away from the area, she and Luke had felt an earthquake, heard the ground near the mansion caving in, and giant thudding echoing for a while until it stopped. While the two had seen news reports in the days following it describing giant monster footsteps through the suburbs nearby and across Virginia to the Atlantic Ocean, causing destruction in its wake, neither of them really considered what it actually was. No one had gotten a good look at what it was, just that it was big and scaly.

Now though, here on Long Island, she was forced to come back to those events. She turned around, and looked up. When a flash of lightning lit up the sky, she screamed in horror. Because what she saw, what anybody saw.. was unlike anything they had ever seen before.

One thud later, the creature stopped, stood for a few seconds, and then at the next flash of lightning, it roared.

Luke simply turned to Chiron, and saw the horror in his eyes. Instantly, the young son of Hermes knew that the activities director knew full well what that 393 feet tall scaly beast was.

"Mr. Chiron, sir.." Luke asked, trying to stay calm. "What is that..?"

The words Chiron said then and there would remain with Luke for the rest of his life.

"Godzilla.." Chiron replied. "..a kaiju, and King Of The Monsters, second only to Typhon himself."

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