Night Before Things Really Kick Off

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Hollow Earth
Kajiu Stronghold

"You guys mind telling me who the new guy is?"

Godzilla had spoken these words as soon as he had managed to slip into the Hollow World via one of the many access points scattered across the world, with one of them conveniently being in the Atlantic Ocean just off Long Island within a few minutes of Camp Half Blood, transformed back into his normal form, and walked into the massive castle that was the Kajiu base of operations.

The reason why was simple. Although the familiar faces of Rodan, King Ghidorah, Mothra, Baragon, Angurius, Kong, Manda, and others were in the stronghold, there was a very new face to the group. A beast with six spider legs and yet the fur of a wooly mammoth and the head of a Minotaur, plus two Minotaur arms with hands. This beast was about three quarters of Godzilla's height, and judging from the way it couldn't stay still at the moment, it was currently very hyperactive.

"This is Matterhorn, or that's the name he calls himself by.." Ichi stated. "Angurius and Rodan found him trying to climb the outer walls of the stronghold earlier after you left for the surface. We don't know why, but he keeps muttering from time to time that fate commands him to go to the surface and embrace his destiny. He has somehow already unlocked the ability to turn into a human, so he's an interesting case."

The aforementioned kajiu just nodded, his green eyes darting back and forth in tune with the movements of his red skinned Minotaur head. Godzilla observed Matterhorn for a few seconds, and then turn back to Ghidorah, or more specifically the middle head Ichi, the strategist.

"Okay.. so we know where the demigod camp is.. question is.. where is Olympus?" Godzilla mused, and Ghidorah used its powers to make a holographic map of the USA appear. "From what we, meaning I and Mothra, can gather.." Ichi started, his brothers remaining silent. "..from what limited intelligence we have from our initial probes after the mansion explosion opened up the network of pathways into the surface world, we believe that Olympus is somewhere in the New York City area."

The map zoomed in to the NYC area, and Godzilla didn't look much pleased. "That's still a large area to cover.. not to mention, isn't Olympus supposed to be in the sky, on top of a mountain? This is like a dang city Ghidorah.."

"Multiple sources have told us the same thing, Godzilla.." Mothra interrupted. "Olympus is in the NYC area. We just need to figure out which building is the 'mountain'".

"To that end, while my two brothers will be joining the infiltration group to Camp Half Blood, I will be heading to NYC to speak with some of my old monster contracts and informants.. to determine the location of Olympus" Ichi said, a bit smugly. "As for who will infiltrate the demigod camp.. I choose my brothers, you Godzilla, Angurius, Kong, Rodan, Baragon, and the new guy Matterhorn."

"Wait. Hold on..." Godzilla spoke up. "Why am I a part of this infiltration?"

"They're Greek demigods.. so they're going to be expecting some fighters so while Matterhorn is a wild card, the rest of you - plus myself and Mothra - have actually be involved in fights against other monsters and won. Like, it's only common sense Godzilla" Ichi explained, the strategist clearly demonstrating his trademark clear cut logic. Godzilla nodded, understanding perfectly.

"Don't screw things up, San" Ni said to its brother.

"We're going into the demigod camp.. with a bunch of kids all potentially armed with weapons.. while we're disguised as humans who are also demigods like them. Yeah, I can see a million ways this can go downhill.." San muttered. " don't worry, I'm going to give my best effort to not be that reason."

"Indeed, Kevin.. glad you understand how serious this is.." Ichi said, pleased that his younger brother for once understood the nature of the mission. "I have already reached out to my connections in the Council Of Cloven Elders, and they have managed to enlist one of their own to provide us a cover story to help us infiltrate the camp, a certain satyr named Grover Underwood. Needless to say, my contacts said he was a little excited upon finding out that we exist, but he understands the nature of the task."

"You sure do have a lot of connections, Ichi.." Angurius said, to which the middle head of Ghidorah merely chuckled.

"Telepathy can give you access to lots of new, potential informants and connections, if you know who will listen and give you the information you need.." Ichi replied, before becoming serious once more. "Mothra and Manda, via their telepathic abilities, will be running the group and Mission Control in Godzilla's and my absences, respectively. So gentlemen.. we shall move out at daylight in the surface world."

Every single Kajiu assigned to infiltrate the demigod camp shared a ominous smirk with each other, all except Matterhorn, that is. Deep down inside, they knew one thing, and one thing only. Nothing will be the same for the demigods and the Olympians ever again.

If only they knew how close to the truth they were.. which was, in the case, practically right on target and they had no idea of it.

- - - - - -

Luke couldn't sleep. Try as he might, the son of Hermes just kept tossing and turning in his sleep, thoughts plagued by the mystery that was Godzilla. Mr. D and Chiron had told the campers the secret history about the Kajiu after the incident - though Luke suspected that there was more to the tale than what he was told - but something about the whole fight on the hill, now being called Halfblood Kajiu Hill, just didn't make sense. In the past, the Kajiu only cared about gaining control of the planet - well most of them. Mothra appeared to be more of a mediator and pacifist than a destroyer like most of the others, and then there was Behemoth too, but that was about it.

So why? Why had Godzilla spared Thalia's life on the hill? He could have easily killed the demigod, but instead he let her escape and went after the Furies and the army of hellhounds. And to be fair, after what happened that night, Luke could never again call the Furies the most intimidating thing a demigod could ever again. In his defense, it's hard to call Furies intimidating when even they can be swatted from the sky like mere bugs by a giant creature such as Godzilla. Godzilla just made everything look trivial by comparison. What would have taken an army of demigods to do - cause as many casualties to the monster horde as Godzilla did - he did it with frightening ease.

It was so unnerving to Luke to think that there could be even worse things than monsters out there that a demigod could face. Fortunately, at least for now, Godzilla seemed to be on the Olympians' side. For now, at least.

- - - - - - - -

On Olympus, the throne room was empty, deserted. All except for one seat, that is. Hermes just sat there on his seat, rewatching the hologram of the fight between Godzilla and the monsters over and over. He didn't know why he was watching the footage again and again, he just felt a gut instinct to do so. Then, he noticed something, something that he missed when he was watching the battle play out earlier.

Godzilla's shotgun blast on the hellhounds - there wasn't any charge up of his atomic breath at all, just a split second and then boom.. instant explosion. From what Hermes had heard, in the past, Godzilla's atomic breath took some time to charge up, something that Godzilla had demonstrated a few moments earlier before it had charged headfirst into the monster horde. But this.. this was new.

Is it possible then, that the Kajiu themselves are more powerful now than they are in the past? Hermes thought to himself. It was definitely possible, that he knew. A long amount of time had passed since when the Kajiu had disappeared and gone dormant and now.

But then, why? Why now? Why did they decide to come back now?

Hermes had heard reports of ship attacks and of some sort of giant creature in the Pacific in the first few years after World War II, and of the Castle Bravo nuclear test, but since the Big Three had been squabbling in the lead up to the pact that was broken by Zeus and had resulted in.. well.. Godzilla emerging and laying waste to the monster horde, he hadn't paid much attention to it. Then, there was the explosion in Richmond, with what locals reported there. Could it be that Godzilla had been lurking under Green's mansion the whole time and only now emerged?

Again, it was possible, but the God needed more information, and right now, there was no telling when or where the King Of The Monsters would turn up again. He could only hope that his son, Thalia, and Annabeth were as lucky as they were this time the next time Godzilla appeared.

Little did Hermes realize that soon, he would have a good few Kajiu lurking about in his son's camp right under his nose without his knowledge..

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