Enter Godzilla

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It was good to be back.

Godzilla's mind seemed to be at ease as it studied the horde of monsters in front of it and the girl. He had figured once he sensed the presence of Hades' loyal servants The Furies above ground, that now would be a good time to reveal to the Gods that he and the others were back. And right now, his choice of appearance was working to perfection.

Furies here.. oh boy, this must be my lucky day.. but best of all, I got the element of surprise on them..

He would have to thank Ghidorah, specifically Ichi, for his and the other's human forms, because seriously, this was pure genius. Being able to blend in amongst the mortals in search of their targets and then transform in an instant, provided good cover was available to mask their transformation, he should have marched on Olympus long along and pressured the Gods into granting the Kajiu this ability, or back when the Kajiu weren't divided by the war between the Gods and Titans, gathered everyone and marched on Mount Othrys to do the same thing. Alas, there was no time to dwell on the past. Ichi and Mothra had requested that in announcing their return, they do so in a way that would promote co-existence between the gods and their children with the Kajiu, thus the need to limit casualties not only to mortal civilians, but to protect the demigods too.

Ichi.. permission to engage the Furies?

There were a few moments of silence before there was a telepathic response.

Yes. Don't kill them though. If you can merely disarm them or neutralize them without death, that'd be perfect.

You know full well that I have beef with these ones over what they did to Junior!

Well, I'm in charge for this operation, so you're operating under my instructions. You're the king, but I'm the brains for the group, you know.


Godzilla took a step, charging up a medium charged blast of his atomic breath. He wasn't intending to cause major damage to the area, but given that this area appeared to be less wooded and more open on the side approaching the shore, some damage to their formation could convince the others to back off. After a good few seconds, it was ready and unleashed the shot, doing a good amount of damage to the right side of the monster horde. Unfortunately, this enraged the others and they started surging forward, causing Thalia to start running towards camp.

Crap. Looks like we're going hand to hand.

Try not to sustain too many injuries Godzilla, alright?

I'll be fine. Besides, they don't have a clue about how powerful me or you or any of the others are now.

The Kajiu charged forward, straight into the horde of monsters, Furies in the lead. He simply swats one of the Furies far away with his hand as if it was just a mere fly. Then, it unleashed one of its newest weapons on them, an extremely short-charged atomic blast from its mouth that acted like a shotgun, vaporizing numerous hellhounds on the ground as others bit at his feet and ankles. It hurt a little, sure, but not much. Still, it was definitely annoying.

Pieces of garbage, get the crap off!

Fortunately for Godzilla, a good shake of his feet was enough to knock almost all of the hellhounds off of them, many of whom were subsequently crushed to death by his feet when they came back down on top of them. One of the furies, Alecto, charged Godzilla and whipped it with all her might in the side of its head. It stung hard, but not hard enough, and Godzilla quickly swung around and whacked Alecto in the side hard, causing her to fall to the ground. The remaining fury thought about attacking the big, giant Kajiu, but decided against it.

Godzilla: Of Halfbloods and KajiuWhere stories live. Discover now