Master Jeon 35: I Love You Too

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My love laid under me, writhing against my touch and sighing such sweet sounds into my ear. The only thing separating us from the white sand beneath our bodies was the soft, blue beach towel he crammed into my suitcase. That same towel, he begged me to bring because it was the only towel he could wrap his entire body in. Clearly, it was being used for other activities. I told him he didn't need to wrap his body because we'd be unclothed the whole time, but I brought it anyway.

I nestle between Tae's long legs, grinding my hips down into him as we locked lips, slowly, deeply, burning against each other. No one within a mile radius could hear him moan as my fingers caressed his tight walls. He squirmed under me as I trapped every sound he made with my mouth, refusing him any air apart from me. Taehyung clenched tightly around my two fingers, sucking them in like he never wanted them to leave his body. I knew, however, that he wanted, needed more.

I trailed my kisses down his soft neck, warm flesh enticing me to the point of biting down on it. I had always expected Taehyung to taste like strawberry creme, but was satisfied with the fantasy and the dull saltiness from the ocean water. He was sweet, and sometimes tart, sometimes salty and always rich on my tongue. The surface of his skin was one place I could spend my entire life exploring. As my lips trailed down his chest, it rose and fell with deep sensual breaths. I flicked my tongue across his sensitive nipples and surfed the waves of his abs, caressing them with my lips and descending to his favorite spot.

Goosebumps rose on his skin when I reached his navel, kissing the space just below it to make his cock twitch. I learned early on that if I kissed him there, softly and sensually enough, I could make his legs go numb.

I caressed the soft spot with my lips and tongue, causing Taehyung to sigh, leaning back into the towel as his arms gave out. His back arched high, melting with kisses. Lust pooled in his dark brown eyes with a hint of need and his eyelashes fanned slowly, fighting to stay open. Kim Taehyung was the perfect representation of bedroom eyes. He was a pro at taunting me with those eyes and he knew how to beg me to fuck him without verbalizing iit.

I inhaled the scent of my lover as my tongue breached his body, listening to every desperate whimper from his throat. Taehyung's legs folded so nicely, trapping his face between his knees and exposing his heat to me. It had been my favorite position, that kept him from squirming away from me. I had been known to make him cry like this, both during scenes and just everyday lovemaking. The more he cried out, the more he fueled my lust.

Taehyung spent the entire afternoon on that towel. I thrusted into him fluidly with the waves a hundred feet away clawing at our feet the way he clawed at my back. I let him tear into me for a while before interlocking our fingers. We were so close in that moment, clutching each other's hands above our heads, skin to skin. Our lips connected in the sweetest way and our bodies glued together with each grind of my hips, enclosing Tae's length between our abs. If I was on cloud 9, he had to have it worse. Something about this man rendered me helpless sometimes. I'd been so used to taking control in every situation, but with him, it seemed like I lost it.

Here's a secret I've been keeping for a while:

I hadn't ever made love to anyone before Taehyung. Every submissive that I took, every sexual partner was strictly for pleasure, strictly for the act of domination. My body and heart had yet to communicate on the same page the way it did whenever I entered Taehyung. My heart guided the way I pleased him, the way I tied him up, the way I applied pain to him, the way I took care of him. It told me to make him feel like the most cherished submissive in the world, the most adored man on the face of the Earth. Whenever I kissed him, When I spoke to him, and whenever I was even so much as near him, my heart and my body screamed to show him how much he meant to me. I envisioned him smiling or the sound of his voice whenever we were apart and I just couldn't wrap my head around that.

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