Master Jeon 4: All You Have To Do Is Ask

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Handcuffs. Shiny, gold handcuffs.

What is he, a cop on the weekends?

"What the hell does he use those for?" I asked myself audibly while my inner freak already knew the answer. After a few seconds of sitting on the chaise in confusion, I sucked my teeth and opened the lid of the box again. I'd already gone too far, I couldn't turn back now, so I may as well go all the way. Under the handcuffs was a dark, red, velvet cloth, soft to the touch and rolled perfectly tight with a yellow string tied around to keep it intact.

I hummed, pulling something else out of the box. You'd think after the handcuffs, I would have stopped, but my rationality and my common sense were not connected to my brain at the time. It was an object shaped like a curved bullet.

I wasn't stupid, nor had I never seen a sex toy before. I knew exactly what it was, but I pressed the button on the bottom anyway. A powerful buzz flowed through my fingers as the thing vibrated so hard, I almost dropped it. I turned it off and placed it gently back in the box, hoping it was unused. There was one more thing left in the box that made the previous item look like a picnic in the park. It looked like a giant diamond ring, except the diamond twisted, shrinking the band smaller. Realization struck me.

"This is a cockring." I whispered to myself as my heart spiked with interest I did not expect. I dropped the ring back into the box. "Okay, that's enough of that." I said to myself, replacing the box for the last time.

There was definitely some deviant behavior going on in Jungkook's bedroom. His bed frame was shaped like a cage, and he had a box of very scandalous objects. I was sure if I looked around some more, those wouldn't be the only ones. This could only mean one thing. Jungkook enjoyed domination. Whether he was the dominator or the dominated, however, was unclear. Jungkook was a domineering man, but that could of course just be a mask he puts on, and when he comes home, someone takes care of him and lets him relinquish the control that had been forced on him during work hours... or, he liked to have control both at work and at home. I wasn't quite sure yet. Either way, I was strangely more fascinated than bothered with the realization. I had uncovered Jungkook's unorthodox inclination and frowned.

"Why does Jimin know about this?" I didn't know yet, but regrettably brushing the thought aside would come back to bite me in the ass later. I had just assumed he and Jungkook were friends, so perhaps they talked about it. Anyway, I made my way around to the rest of the penthouse to scope out my potential new home and I felt pretty comfortable doing so, as if I was going to accept his offer. .

I even opened his cabinets and refrigerator, just out of curiosity. I had to assess the situation, before agreeing to anything, even though I knew damn well I was desperate. If anything was going to deter me, it was the fact that Jungkook was not vanilla, and that wasn't a problem to me. I felt comfortable, even upstairs, I was tempted to find his underwear drawer, but I'd already seen enough.

Far toward the left end of the penthouse was a set of double doors which led to another room. Being the curious fox I am, I pushed them open. What laid before was eyes inside that room completely enamored me. I had never seen so many beautiful works of art in one room. There were paintbrushes both dirty and clean scattered about and a tarp across the wood floor covered in various strokes and drops of color. On the back wall were several easels set up and paintings placed on each one of them, some seemed like they were still wet. The room even smelled heavy of oil paint and turpentine, which strangely comforted me. Every canvas was adorned with a different subject, in various stages of completion. There was a bicycle with flowers in the basket, a lake and mountains (hello bob ross), a mirror with a reflection of a woman, cherry blossom trees, and... huh? Is that Jimin?

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