Master Jeon 1: I'm Poor, Deal With It

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 I'm in the process of rewriting this story because I don't like the way I wrote it the first time. Apologies to anyone who's in the middle of reading but what I replace the chapters with will be so much better. 

As you read this story, keep an open mind. There will be mention of a previous relationship between Jungkook and Jimin. I'm aware it will make some people upset, but grow up. I'm not disgusted or personally threatened by Jikook like some of you guys are, so I'll be keeping that part of the plot. With that being said, it's only a few chapters, but if it really bothers you, I advise you not to read the story. Don't leave comments insulting me or my writing. They're just characters. If none of that applies to you, enjoy this revamped version of Mr. Jeon 😊



I startled awake, disoriented from sleep deprivation as my heart leapt out of my chest. REM still clouded my eyes making me unable to comprehend the avalanche of toilet paper toppling onto my head. I threw my arms out in attempts to save them, but each one slipped through my hands and hit the concrete floor with a muffled thump. My very displeased manager glared daggers at me from the doorway as I cowered away from him, mummified. 

"Taehyung, this is the fifth time I've caught you sleeping in my storage closet this week. This isn't a hotel, nor is it kindergarten. No napping on my clock." He grumbled, gripping his pudgy hips and furrowing his thinning eyebrows. It was four in the morning and I'd slept for less than an hour. What else could be expected? I'd been running on adrenaline and fumes for the last week and it was starting to catch up with me. Regardless, that wasn't my boss's problem. 

"I'm sorry, Mr. James. I just barely got any sleep after my other shift ended." I explained, wanting him to know there was a valid reason why I was asleep on the job again. No one had entered the convenience store in the last hour, so I figured a little shut eye couldn't hurt. It was better to fall asleep back here than out at the counter. Exhaustion had taken over me. 

Just imagine workinga an eight hour overnight shift after coming from a 9am to 11pm the day before and only sleeping three inconsecutive hours. I needed to sleep for the rest of the month, but I was already in debt and my bills wouldn't allow that. 

"I don't care if you ran a marathon with no sleep before coming here. When you clock in, none of that matters. No one will do your job for you and it sure as hell won't get done in your dreams. You know, son. . ." I knew a lecture was coming. Mr. James always felt the need to give me unsolicited advice, like he cared about my success. I didn't come to work for a therapy session, though I needed one. I came to make money that I wouldn't get to keep, even if I fell asleep next to the TP every once in a while. "You're in your twenties, no wife, no education, no children. You only have yourself to worry about. It's time you started taking responsibility." I shifted back and forth between my feet to stay alert because Mr. James lulled me to sleep like a powerful drug. Not only that, but he talked to me like he knew my situation, like everything was so easy. I couldn't be bothered to listen. The only words that caught my attention were going to change my life for the worst, again. 

"I think it's time for you to find another job. One that isn't so taxing for you because you clearly can't handle this one." 

"Sir, I really need this job. It has just been a hard week. It won't happen again." I pleaded, knowing I'd said it a million times before. He'd given me four chances already and I'd expended them. "Damn right it won't happen again. You don't have a job here anymore."

Those last words punched me dead in the chest. I'd heard him many times before, but this time was more frightening. Things were worse for me in the last three months than they'd been since I'd been on my own. I was working three, now one very taxing job, I was three months behind on my rent, and the only food left in my fridge was a bundle of bananas, a three day old carton of stale rice and a can of soda. I had hit rock bottom weeks ago and digging myself out seemed harder and harder day by day. 

Master Jeon *Taekook*Where stories live. Discover now