Master Jeon 25: Show Me

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Jeremiah pulled the door open after my several knocks. I didn't have to go far seeing as his playroom was right next to mine. 

"Hey, what's up?"

"Tae needs to borrow a change of clothes. Would Q be willing to spare some for the night?"

"Sure, everything but underwear." Jeremiah chuckled, but I could tell he was serious. I nodded. "No worries there. He's already wearing mine."

"You sly rabbit." He snickered. "Yeowang!" He called for his submissive. If Changmin didn't have so many names, people wouldn't get confused all the time when Jeremiah referred to him. Q for queen, Yeowang for queen in Korean, Changmin for his government name.

"Yes Sir?" Q came out of the bathroom in only his underwear, but didn't flinch or go to cover himself when he saw me. If he had another nickname, it would be "X" for Exhibitionist. In fact, he smiled warmly, but his warm smiles were often mistaken for flirtatious ones. He just had that type of demeanor and did often flirt with other subs. However, he knew better than to flirt with another Dom in front of Jeremiah. He did have some sense of self preservation.

"Hey Master Jeon. How are you?" He asked me. "Fine. How are you?"I responded. He shrugged his sharp shoulders. "A bit tired. The shop was pretty busy today."

"Well, at least now you'll get a bit of release."

"True. Did you need something sir? I wasn't done shaving." He asked Jeremiah, who narrowed his eyes in a teasing way. I interrupted him before he could speak.

"My sub is here and he didn't think to bring a change of clothes. I should have reminded him, but we didn't really plan to be out on the floor tonight."

"Oh, so you planned to have him on the bench all night then?" Q chuckled. "I'll see what I have. What size is he and how comfortable is he showing some skin?" I gave Q the measurements and told him to be moderately modest. He came out of the closet with a neatly folded pile of clothes.

"Thanks. I'll have him wash it and return it later. Do you want to meet him now? You can give them to him yourself." I suggested. It would do Tae some good to get some encouragement before we went downstairs too.

"What's his name?"

"Taehyung." I said. Q blinked "Taehyung?" He repeated the name then smirked rather slightly, crossing his arms. "I'll wait 'till we're on the floor." 

"Okay. Thanks. See you on the other side."


Jungkook came back with a neatly folded pile of clothes, all black and a bit shiny. He set them on the bed.

"I borrowed them from my friend. You'll need to return them later."

"Thank you, sir." I said excitedly, unfolding the clothes, or lack thereof. "Holy shit." I cursed, holding up the top. Jungkook chuckled. "Yeah, Q's a little risque. Always has been."

I paused. "Q?" There were only so many Q's in New York.

"Yeah, he's another sub."

That made so much sense. No wonder the boutique owner and Jungkook have the same crown pendant. They both belong to this club. "This Q... is his name Changmin?" I asked Jungkook who raised his eyebrows. "Yeah, that's him." He gave me a weird look when I said your name. So you know him then?"

"Not very well. I bought my outfit for the gala at his store."

"Aah, I see. Well, you can thank him personally when we get downstairs. Are you comfortable wearing that?"

Master Jeon *Taekook*Where stories live. Discover now